
Distributed ActiveMQ with Camel

I am in the process of learning ActiveMQ and Camel, with the goal to create a little prototype system that works something like this: (big) When an order is placed in the Orders system, a message is sent out to any subscribers (a pub/sub system), and they can play their part in processing the order. The Orders, Shipping and Invoicing ...

Apache Camel multipart HTTP post (file upload)

How can I do multipart file uploads using the Apache Camel HTTP component ? ...

Extending ManagedPerformanceCounter

I have been trying to add my own performance counter, and I'm unable to use this performance counter for my routes. Could anyone tell me how to use a custom performance counter instead of ManagedPerformanceCounter? Thank you. ...

Creating JMS Queues at runtime.

I am working on an application where the app user can create / delete queues . Also , he would be able to move a message from 1 queue to another, delete a message , rearrange the messages in the queue based on some filter. One possible design is to use activemq for queues and apache camel for various other operations having integrated ...

Routing an ActiveMq topic to an external broker.

Hi All, I have an ActiveMq topic which I wish to transform and share with an external broker. At present I have the following which performs the transformation: <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/camel/schema/spring"&gt; <route> <from uri="activemq:topic:OriginalTopic"/> <to uri="xslt:f...

Using Apache Camel how do I unmarshal my deserialized object that comes in through a CXF Endpoint?

I have a very simple camel route. It starts with a CXF Endpoint exposed as a web service. I then want to convert it to xml and call a method on a bean. Currently i'm getting a CXF specific object after the web service call. How do I take my serialized object out of the CXF MessageList and use it going forward? My Route: <camel:route> ...

ActiveMQ & Camel - How to create dependency in routing paths

I have a message routing to implement, which has routes that vary according to the message content. Some strands of the route are dependent on other. If for example I have Data_A which has Task_A and Task_B to be performed on it. Whereas Data_B has only Task_B to be performed on it. Here each Task has a queue served by consumers. If T...

Java Messaging : Difference between ActiveMQ, Mule, ServiceMix and Camel

Hi, I am new to Messaging and want to know the difference between ActiveMQ, Mule, ServiceMix and Camel Anyone knows how each of these product is different? Thanks in advance ! EDIT: Also would like to know any good place/resource to learn these things. ...

[Apache Camel] Generating multiple files based on DB query in a nice way

Dear all, I have a following question. I have to generate many files based on sql query. Let's say for example, I have get from database a list of orders made today and genarate file for each order and later store each file on ftp. Ideally I would like to get follewing. Not quite sure how to get it. from(MyBean).to(Ftp) The p...

How to pass Endpoint parameter to Endpoint defined as bean in Spring conext

I have camel Fileendpoint defined in following way: <bean id="hotfolderEndpoint" class="org.apache.camel.component.file.FileEndpoint" factory-bean="camel" factory-method="getEndpoint"> <constructor-arg ref="hotfolder" /> </bean> I want to define some File parameters such as preMove, move ...

Suggestions needed for request-reply on ActiveMQ and Camel using Spring NMS on .NET

I am trying to use the ActiveMQ and Camel (running in broker) on .NET using Spring and NMS. In general, these components work brilliantly. I have a camel route for send/receive, and some code in .NET to handle this - works like a charm. The issue I am trying to resolve is for a request-reply integration pattern. Camel support this, a...

Apache Camel ESB for C# and Java EDA

Hi We are looking at integrating some of our coarse grained business Services using an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) and the server side of these Services (REST) are implemented in both Java and .NET (C#). We originally thought of using RabbitMQ (and AMQP protocol) as a neutral and open means (with good client support in these two lan...

When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel?

As a seasoned Spring user I was assuming that Spring Integration would make the most sense in a recent project requiring some (JMS) messaging capabilities (more details). After some days working with Spring Integration it still feels like a lot of configuration overhead given the amount of channels you have to configure to bring some req...

ActiveMQ: Simple topic based cluster

Well, lets say I'm building ActiveMQ based chat application. It's pretty simple. Having only one QUEUE.IN and one TOPIC.OUT. All messages are simply routed right away from QUEUE.IN to TOPIC.OUT. Clients are producing their chat messages to QUEUE.IN and consuming from TOPIC.OUT. That's all. Now, I wanna cluster it. Don't need something ...

Is it possible to kick off a camel route using a java interface or bean?

I'd like to setup a spring bean (either via interface or bean class). that I can call to "start" a Route. In this simple example when I call sayHello("world") from code I'd like it to route the return value of the sayHello method the endpoint that will write it out to a file. Does anyone know if this is possible, or how to go about thi...

How do I convert my BeanInvocation object in camel to a message body and headers?

I'm using Camel Proxy to expose an interface as a starting point for a route. It uses a BeanInvocation object as the message body. How do I set the message body and headers based on the arguments passed to the interface? public interface test{ public void sayHi(String firstName, String lastName); } I'd like to make the body (firstN...

camel-cxfrs with custom http headers...

I have a route that defines a CXFRS endpoint. I need to retrieve custom HTTP header values from the inbound request... from(CXF_RS_ENDPOINT_URI) .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Message inMessage = exchange.getIn(); ...

ActiveMQ Camel Admin Routes

I have a simple Route written in Java and have the jar file deployed to activemq/lib and updated the activeMQ.xml to look for the route via the package can element. But the route is not showing up in the web admin console... wondering what other steps are involved... public class SampleConnectorRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void...

Issue with Apache camel 2.4 version

This is an issue when I change the camel version from 1.6 to 2.4. I wanted to use a method userOriginaLmessage which was not supported in 1.6. Hence I starte using camel 2.4 version. The code is getting compiled. But when I deploy it in Fuse ESB environment I get below error. Unexpected exception parsing XML document from class path res...

How do I write out a file using camel, and return the name of the file?

If I send direct:report a byte[]. How do I find out the absolute path and name of the file it was written to? from("direct:report").to("file:target/reports"); ...