
CXF REST content-disposition filename

With CXF Rest, how do you specify filename (content-disposition): @Produces("multipart/form-data") @Multipart(value = "root", type = "application/octet-stream") @GET @Path("/file") public File getFile(@QueryParam("") Query query); ...

Testing CXF and Jersey together causes Spring conflicts?

I have an app that uses CXF as a SOAP client and Jersey to present REST services, with the Jersey classes managed by Spring. This works fine running in Tomcat; however when attempting to test with JerseyTest I get Spring conflicts; it appears JerseyTest doesn't shut-down the Spring context correctly. The test initialisation for Jersey ...

Dynamic invocation of WSDL 2.0 described service

Hi everybody, I am building a system in Java/Groovy that involves dynamic invocation of Web services. I use JAX-WS to invoke a service with a WSDL 1.1 interface, but I could not find any helpful information about how one would go about to implement DII for WSDL 2.0 descriptions. Could anyone of you point me in the right direction about...

With CXF what should my method signature be to work directly with XML objects.

I have a web service I'm exposing with CXF and I need to work directly with the XML passed in and then need to assign XML from an external source into the response. If I user Object as the parameters and return type I do get a DOM representation which I can work with. If I user Element however I'm informed I can't use it as there are n...

Is it possible to generate webservices client code to a special package using apache cxf in maven?

I am trying to generate the webservices client once i build my project on the fly .. It currently does so but put it in package named based on the namespace of the WS.. so lets assume the name space is google.com , the generated files would be in com.google .. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <artifactI...

spring embeded jetty+cxf

I'm running embedded jetty inside of a spring ioc container. The spring ioc contains also an embedded hsqldb which makes the whole configuration a nice and complete web application development environment (on a single JVM). Now I'm trying to add apache CXF to this environment to make the jetty host not only servlets but also web services...

Sign and Encrypt SOAP Messages with Apache CXF

Hello, I'm trying to write a "Secure Hello World" web service using Apache CXF also; I should note that I'm kind of new to Java and WS-* stuff. Basically, what I want to do is a hello-world web service with soap messages to and from this web service signed and encrypted using x.509 certificate(s). I have already read the tutorial on A...

VB.NET web service client accessing Java web service - connection aborted

I had a problem getting a VB.NET web service client to receive the response object from a Java web service. In the process of posting this question someone from another department volunteered some code written for a similar situation. I couldn't find this anywhere on the net so I'm completing my question to help others out. Dim myServ...

Error while trying to deploy Web service proj(created using eclips 3.5 + CXF 2.2) in Web logic 10.0

Hi, When I try to deploy my web service application in WL10 i get the following error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to access unsupported property javax.xml.stream.supportDTD I tried JBoss 4.0 and the same worked fine. Pls help. Here is the trace of the complete exception thrown. <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '3' for ...

How to tell Apache CXF to use java.util.Date in Spring Configuration

I am Using CXF to host web services in a Spring context, which makes JAX-WS the default binding. And I'm using Java-First, which means annotated endpoint interfaces and classes. Since default binding for JAX-WS uses XMLGregorianCalendar class for dates, when I call my web service passing a java.util.Date it is converted to XMLGregorianC...

How to add XML Schema into SoapBody of SoapMessage in Apache CXF ?

Hi, is there a way to modify SoapBody message using Apache CXF ? I have tried to use Interceptors feature with Phase.SEND mode to try to add an xml schema with a result in SoapBody. I did not have any luck. The issue was that I want to validate the result message with xml schema. The current output of the SoapBody sent a result messag...

Using RESTful services with JAX-RS/CXF in Tomcat

I'm interested in using Apache's JAX-RS implementation (CXF) in a Tomcat environment. The documentation is pretty clear and straight forward about developing a RESTful service with JAX-RS/CXF. However, I'm not sure how to develop a JAX-RS service within the context of a Tomcat environment. Does anyone know of a good tutorial on developi...