
What is the safe way to use fork with Apache::DBI under mod_perl2?

I have a problem when I use Apache::DBI in child processes. The problem is that Apache::DBI provides a single handle for all processes which use it, so I get DBD::mysql::db selectall_arrayref failed: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now at /usr/local/www/apache22/data/test-fork.cgi line 20. Reconnection does...

How to selectively start and end a persistent Apache::DBI for perl from the client/browser?

This question is related to our web-based application, which uses perl, apache, Apache::DBI and a database (MySQL, SQLite, or anything). We know that Apache::DBI is used to create persistent db connections. These connections live in memory from the time the Apache web server starts to the time it shuts down. My Question is: Is it poss...