
PHP / cURL problem opening remote file

We have a script which pulls some XML from a remote server. If this script is running on any server other than production, it works. Upload it to production however, and it fails. It is using cURL for the request but it doesn't matter how we do it - fopen, file_get_contents, sockets - it just times out. This also happens if I use a Pyth...

Sharing PHP session (or similar) between deamon and page requests.

I need to keep a persistent connection open across multiple page requests. You cannot put PHP resources into the session. My solution is to trigger a deamon on the first request and keep the PHP resource there. I then need to get the deamon to talk to my different page requests. I could do this the long way by using a database or file b...

mod rewrite issue

How come this one works: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/book/blabla$ RewriteRule ^.+$ /book/?name=blabla [NC,L] But this one doesn't? RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/book/blabla$ /book/?name=blabla [NC,L] I've tried many things but it's confusing me. ...

Apache/PHP processes hanging while interacting with MySQL

Hi all, We're seeing some strange behaviour and we're not sure if it's a problem with apache, php, mysql or the OS, so over to the big brains of stackoverflow! We have Apache and mod_php talking to a mysql5 server. Sometimes, a process will choose to hang, trying to read from a file descriptor. Firing up strace one on of them (all han...

Apache basic authentication on Django site

I'm trying to add basic Apache name/password authentication to a running Django site. I've following the example here. I've created an .htpasswd file and have the following in httpd.conf: WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ann/webapps/django/domesday.wsgi <Directory /home/ann/webapps/apache2> AuthType Basic AuthName "Authentication Required" Auth...

Apache Tomcat and Ruby

We have Ruby Rails and Apache tomcat servers running on the samw windows server. When the App on Apache Tomcat is installed alone its working fine, but when the ruby app is installed, the Apace Tomcat App stops working. We need to have both the apps running on the same server. Please help. The application running on Tomcat is displaying ...

.htaccess rewrite rule for redirects

I've been fighting this for a while and can't seem to make it work. My old system used a lot of query strings to render pages but they are no longer necessary. My url is below: OLD URL: www.example.com/links.php?section=5&catid=52 NEW URL: www.example.com/mhfs/links The name links is coincidental and not necessarily from the old pa...

rewrite url not working on ubuntu localhost in php

I have the file called call_center_interface.php Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule call_center_interface-act-(.*)\.htm$ call_center_interface.php?act=$1 i use the above url rewrite code but it is not working in ubuntu ...

tomcat 5.5 setting up context path with virtual hosts (non webapps directory)

Hi. I have been a web developer for a couple of years (some ASP, mostly PHP) and have recently taken on Java/JSP in the last two years. The one thing I have tried repeatedly but continue to fail to wrap my head around is the way to setup a working JSP application in another location that is NOT the webapps folder. Rocking my applicati...

Apache Internal Server Error without log entry

Are there cases where the Apache2 HTTP Server responds with an internal server error (Response code 500), yet does NOT write an entry into the server's error log file? I experience such a case and have no idea what's going on. I already checked that the server generally logs errors by requesting a badly formed php script. ...

.htaccess port redirection with Apache

Hi, I'd like to redirect http://www.mydomain.com/service to http://www.mydomain.com:PORT where PORT is the port of the service which will serve the pages. Is it possible given it's apache which is listening on port 80 so which will perform the redirection, and it's an unrelated service which is listening on PORT? What's the syntax? I ...

Intercept request for file download and send to Rails app?

Hi guys! I would like to make a Rails app to create a pretty download page for any file requested either through a link or by typing the url of the file. Is there a way to intercept the request for a file in Apache or elsewhere and send it to the app so it can generate the page? I'd also prefer not to change the url when redirecting to ...

Apache Django URL problem

I allow users to submit a query at mysite.com/go/QUERY\ If the query contains "/" Apache chokes. From urls.py: (r'^go/(?P<querytext>.*)$', 'mysite.engine.views.go'), Try: http://mysite.com/go/http%3A%2F%2F Result: Not Found The requested URL /go/http:// was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) Server at ... BUT, ...

PHP - Javabridge Protocol error

Hi Experts, I'm having problem with my PHP - Javabridge. Basically, I'm getting this error "protocol error: , Invalid document end at col 10. Check the back end log for details" when debugging my PHP app, which suppose to run a Java app to do some mathematical analysis. Not sure if this is really a code issue, but since this is happe...

Apache Caching within diffrent VirtualHosts

I have two virtual hosts within my apache config, one for live and one for preview. In the moment there is no setting about cache and for all live customers, this is fine. But the preview customer with a lot of changes have some cache problems within the last weeks. I am not sure if this is an IE problem or not - anyway, I would like to ...

WSGI/Django: pass username back to Apache for access log

My Django app, deployed in mod_wsgi under Apache using Django's standard WSGIHandler, authenticates users via form login on the Django side. So to Apache, the user is anonymous. This makes the Apache access log less useful. Is there a way to pass the username back through the WSGI wrapper to Apache after handling the request, so that it...

Capistrano to deploy rails application - how to handle long migrations?

So I am using Capistrano to deploy a rails application to my production server (apache+passenger) and at the moment deployment usually goes along the lines: $cap deploy $cap deploy:migrations It got me wondering, let's say my db:migrations took a long time to execute on the production server (a big refactor of the db schema) - in this...

It seems the mode rewrite in .htaccess apache is not working

I am trying to run iJab with Openfire server which requires me to redirect the /http-bind request to localhost:7070/http-bind. I copied the iJAb folder into my document root and wrote the following code inside .htaccess file within the directory AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Options +FollowSymLinks Options +Indexes Options +...

Shortlinks RewriteRule Regex

Hi, I'm using Apache/PHP to support shorlinks to documents and I'm having trouble with the Regex to redirect correctly. My links take the form of 8 letters/numbers, something like '1abc45fd', I would like to have them redirect to /shortlink.php?link=1abc45fd but it's just not working correctly. I'm using the following expression: "Rewr...

Setting up Ruby CGI in Apache

I want to use Ruby in Apache through CGI. I have the following in my configuration file: DocumentRoot /home/ceriak/ruby <Directory /home/ceriak/ruby> Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .rb </Directory> test.rb is a testfile placed under /home/ceriak/ruby/, #!/usr/bin/ruby included on the first line and given executable pe...