
Multiple virtual hosts - all of those beyond the first are inheriting the DocumentRoot

Hey, I am trying to set up several virtual hosts in my apache httpd.config file. However it seems that if I change them round, they all inherit the DocumentRoot value from the first one. My VirtualHosts are as follows: <VirtualHost customerApp_Global:427> ServerName customerApp_Global DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/customerApp_v2" Direc...

URL Redirect with Python / Django / Mod-Rewrite

I am trying to setup a URL redirect for a Q&A site I am setting up for Boat Repairs. I want boatrepaired.com to go to www.boatrepaired.com. I am generally a php guy so I am a bit confused with python etc. used by OSQA. I added this to my apache conf file... <Directory /opt/OSQA/> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^...

Why is there no easy way to consume web services in Java?

I've been doing a lot of work exploring different methods to consume (.NET) web services in Java clients. It seems that this area is a black hole in Java. The easiest way that I have found is to use Apache Axis2 wsdl2java to generate the source files. But still, this requires some work to integrate Apache into my existing web application...

Apache Crashing On adding extension=php_mysqli.dll to php.ini

Hi! So I've been installing on my own computer Apache and PHP, and this went well. The versions are: php-5.2.14-win32-installer httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-no_ssl And I've been trying to install Mysql support with no luck. I tried a few changes to the php.ini file, and understood that as soon as i enter extension=php_mysqli.dll And restar...

client to Apache via HTTPS. Apache to tomcat via HTTP but want the response from apache to the client as HTTPS

Scenario: Client connects to apache via HTTPS. Apache has a BalancerMember which connects via HTTP to a tomcat. Problem. the response from tomcat to apache and then to the client browser is HTTP. Would want this to be HTTPS since the client connected via HTTPS. Not sure how to do this. Any tips/guidance would be appreciated. ...

Apache Forward JSP pages to tomcat

I have Apache Server, in which my website running, but there is some jsp pages in my website. I have to forward my jsp pages and servlet to tomcat. Kindly help me so that I can make it possible. Sorry for my bad English. ...

Mod Rewrite and Base Tag Problem

I used modrewrite on my website, it affected the url structure of my website To solve this i used the base tag Now it work well for all links on my website, but the problem is that i cant access absolute links to other websites Pls what do i do? ...

.htaccess SSL rule conflicting with www redirect rule

Hello, I am completely unfamiliar with .htaccess and have been looking through forums and trying several examples to try and construct a htaccess rule that will solve our problem. We have had a rule in place to redirect all traffic to the www. version of our domain name which has worked well. However now we have bought a secure certif...

Stuck with apache,mod-ajp weird redirection

hi all i have a redirection problem with mod ajp, that it always adds the application name before the desired page, for example: if i requested the page: http://myapp.com/mypage it is converted to http://myapp.com/myapp/mypage, and i get a 404 error i don't know why such behaviour occurs, this is the configuration: <Proxy *> AddDef...

making subfolder unrestricted while using .htpasswd in apache

Hi, I have multiple applications running in my linux server. The main domain is secure using .htpasswd file. But I need the security to be removed in the subdomain. How could I achieve this. Regards Nizam ...

Apostrophe (Smart Quote) in search throws Apache 400 Bad Request

I have a search form in my web application that throws an Apache 400 Bad Request error when you search using an apostrophe (smart quote, i.e. ’ not '). This happens when someone copy and pastes from Microsoft Word (which automatically converts tick marks to smart quotes). The form causes a GET request which puts the search string in t...

how to play an flv in streaming

I need to play an flv in streaming in a website build on a php/apache2/mysql CMS. I like a lot http://www.visionstreetwear.com website and i would like to use this layout with a flv as header. ...

Debian based systems Session killed at 30 minutes in special cron, how to override?

Have been pulling out my hair trying to find out why my sessions are being terminated/killed/destroyed at 30 minutes. Well it looks like Debian based systems have a special cron running that ignores all php.ini and apache configurations and kills any idle session at 30 minutes. The cron path: /etc/cron.d/php5 Inside the cron: # /etc/...

PHP ZipArchive - zip corrupt

On archiving more number of files , zip is returning a empty zip file which cannot be open and its corrupted. When i try to pint Zip archive object , i got this ZipArchive Object ( [status] => 5 [statusSys] => 2 [numFiles] => 84 [filename] => /root/zip/3810.zip [comment] => ) The file is not even created. for l...

How can I move my SSL cert from Tomcat to Apache

I am moving my site from a tomcat only instance to an apache httd/ apache tomcat setup. I'm trying to set up the ssl with mod_ssl on apache httpd. But I don't know how to convert my tomcat keystoreFile/keystorePass to the apache httpd SSLCertificateFile/SSLCertificateKeyFile format. I am pouring over the openssl man pages with no luck...

Data compression to reduce network bandwidth usage

Hello, suppose that I've a huge amount of data (>KB/MB) to transfer from an ajax request (JS) to a webpage (PHP), is it usefull to deflate data (by JS scripting) before send it to server and inflate it in my Webpage or the Apache module (Content-Encoding:gzip) do it by itself? Thanks. ...

How to make Apache Web Server enforce strict URL addressing

I want to make apache enforce strict URL addressing rules, example, i have a file on my server called blog.html, when i type in the address example.com/blog , it automatically goes to the blog.html file.....is there anyway to stop this? I am running a LAMP stack on Ubuntu Server 10.04. ...

When you made alias in Apache Server you have to write Option: Indexes to Directiory?

When I don't give indexes option I all the time have forbidden message. When I give this option it works well, but I don't have starting page, but page with head: "index of" and below it there are links to files, which are in my directory. Now, how to do, that I will have starting page? Without error. One note: When I don't use Aliasin...

Url rewrite and forced 404

We serve our content via ourdomain.com/folder. The next iteration of the application is ready to be rolled out in ourdomain.com/folder2. If a user tried to access ourdomain.com/folder2 directly he would get a 404. I need a to get a rewrite rule that serves the content of ourdomain.com/folder2 under the url ourdomain.com/folder and giv...

Apache's Velocity -- getTemplate() call that takes a string not a filename?

Wanting to do some fancy stuff... :P We'd like to be able to pass a string that IS the file, instead of a string that simple a filename. We're going to create a file in memory using a string/stringbuffer and we want the velocity engine to act upon that instead of reading in a file. Does this function exist? Many thanks! ...