
Oracle APEX access

Is Oracle Application Express suitable for Intranet client/server application? If so, what should I do to enable client access to application? ...

Is it possible to output a SELECT state from a PL/SQL block?

How can I get a PL/SQL block to output the results of a SELECT statement the same way as if I had done a plain SELECT? For example how do a SELECT like: SELECT foo, bar FROM foobar; Hint : BEGIN SELECT foo, bar FROM foobar; END; doesn't work. ...

SELECT * breaks when adding columns in Oracle Application Express (ApEx) 3.0

When I define a report region's SQL as SELECT * FROM some_table, all is fine until new columns are added to some_table -- then it breaks with a "ORAxxx No data found" error. It is easy to remediate, as it's enough to Apply Changes on the region again, even without making any changes. However, it does not make for a robust application. ...

Alternatives to Oracle application express?

I've using Oracle Application Express (apex) which is the most fast database application builder for the web that I've seen. Oracle Apex is like Microsoft Access for desktop and Oracle databases. Any one knows about alternatives? EDIT: For alternative I mean "There is any tool comparing this one?". Of course there are a lot of frame...

Why use Oracle Application Express for web app?

Hi all. I believe we're moving to Oracle Apex for future development. I've read about Oracle Apex on wikipedia and it's pro and con. It seem to me the con outweigh the pro but maybe I'm wrong. I get the sense that Oracle Apex is for DBA with little or no programing knowledge to setup a web app quickly sort like MS Access for none program...

Running an SQL Script with Oracle Application Express

Greetings, I am trying to run an SQL Script uploaded using Application Express (APEX), the web based interface for Oracle DBMS. However, upon clicking the Run button, it does nothing, suspecting any javascript error, I pulled out firebug and there appears to be an error on the js. this.endLine.isPreceding is not a function http://loca...

How to renumber pages in an Oracle APEX application?

Hey all, I've just finished my first "real" APEX app but it's looking a bit messy. Is there any way I can renumber the pages so that they're back in order of the application flow? Thanks in advance, Matt ...

Oracle string_agg(distinct columnname) does not work in pl/sql, only in sqldeveloper

I am trying to get the string_agg function, detailed here to work with the distinct keyword. Sample usage: select string_agg(distinct, from tbl_a a group by The problem is that this works in sqldeveloper, but when running it in application express in an anonymous pl/sql block, it refuses to accept the distinct keywo...

Oracle Application Express Dev Environment

When developing with application express, I am struggling with how to implement version control and how to have both DEV and PROD versions of an application. How do you publish changes from dev to prod? I know that I can export the entire application and then import into production, but is there a way to just import changes easily? AP...

Run Sql*Plus commands on Application Express

Hi, I am new to PL/SQL, I'm trying to execute the commands that I learned at the course. VARIABLE area NUMBER DECLARE radius NUMBER(2) := &s_radius; pi CONSTANT NUMBER := 3.14; BEGIN :area := pi * radius * radius; END; I understand that I can run this using SqlPlus, but I remember my teacher was running this from the web brows...

When using Javascript, is there an Apex built in to get the value of a radio group?

Friends, My apex page has several different radio groups, each one can have the value of Yes or No. When the user presses a button I need to capture the values of these radio groups in the javascript processing for the page and then "do stuff" dependent on their values. Is there an Apex Javascript API that I could utilise to obta...