
ASP.NET - how to show a error page when uploading big file (Maximum request length exceeded)?

Application able to record error in OnError, but we are not able to do any redirect or so to show something meaningfull to user. Any ideas? I know that we can set maxRequestLength in web.config, but anyway user can exceed this limit and some normal error need to be displayed. ...

Getting correct Response.StatusCode from Application_OnError (ASP.NET MVC)

I'm trying to create some basic logging for unhandled exceptions in my ASP.NET MVC application, but as I'm using IIS6 all requests come through .NET. Now while I agree that missing images are an important thing to flag, they aren't show-stoppers and so I'd like to set the event priority to high for 404s unless they are images (which wil...

ASP.NET : Get URL of error page in global.asax's Application_OnError

I have an ASP.NET application where i am tracking my applicaion level erros using golabl.asax On_Error method.I will send an email to my id when there is some error happened in the site(ie :" when the application _error being invoked) Now From my global.asax's Application_OnError event, how can i get the URL of the page where this error ...