
Determining dev vs production

What method should I use to determine if I'm on the dev system vs. production? In this post from Ray Camden, he shows how to see what folder you're in, so that could be an indicator. While in dev, I want to have error trapping turned off, missing template turned off, debug="yes" for cfstoredproc and cfquery, as well as always reload the...

How do I reset application.cfc without resetting the server instance?

How do I reset a Coldfusion Application / application.cfc without resetting the Coldfusion Server instance? If I remember right, there are a few tricks out there such as creating a reinit function within application.cfc or renaming the file. ...

With Coldfusion, how do you handle dynamicaly generated URLs?

(Update: I converted this question to a community wiki as the answer appears more subjective than I thought it would. There are multiple answers depending on one's needs.) If I have a folder that only includes application.cfc and index.cfm, what is a fast, reliable method to handle dynamically generated URLs? i.e. URLs that do not have ...

cfml error with application.cfc page

Hi, I have some problem with my cfml website. I have used the below code in application.cfc file to connect with the dsn. But when ever i put this in my server, i'm getting error. i cant browse even a single test.cfm page. Is there any mistake in that code , any syntax error or something like that, will it be some problem with the ds...

Possible to create an unscoped global in application.cfc?

I'm migrating an old app that uses application.cfm to use an application.cfc. The CFM sets a few globals such as <cfset dsn = "myDSN"> I've tried putting that line of code in onApplicationStart, onRequestStart, etc. but trying to print that value out in a test page results in an error. Setting a value in the application scope (e.g. ap...

Something wrong in Application.CFC

Hello all. Just writing out my own blog in ColdFusion and all of a sudden, I open up eclipse on my dev machine, check the site in Chrome and it doesn't load. So I tried moving Application.cfc to another folder, voila the page works. The exact error message is: The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicate...

Wrong Application.cfc being referenced by test site in subdirectory of main site

Hello, I have a CF9 project set up with a multi-tiered directory structure. At the root level I have the live production site with its Application.cfc. It contains a number of variables that are bound to a 'debugMode' flag--so in the case of the production site, this flag is set to false. In a subdirectory of the production site, I ha...