
Generating equals / hashcode / toString using annotation

I believe I read somewhere people generating equals / hashcode / toString methods during compile time (using APT) by identifying which fields should be part of the hash / equality test. I couldn't find anything like that on the web (I might have dreamed it ?) ... That could be done like that : public class Person { @Id @GeneratedValu...

Java APT for Code validation

Does anyone know of a framework which uses Java APT for Java source code validation? The idea is presented here : http://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/Issue167.html ...

Eclipse compiler with APT

What is the correct way to call the Eclipse compiler with an APT processor from Java? I am using the following Maven dependency for the compiler <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler</groupId> <artifactId>ecj</artifactId> <version>3.5.1</version> </dependency> I want to test an APT processor with the Eclipse compi...

How do I customise date/time bindings using JAXWS and APT?

Im using JAXWS 2.1.7, using some classes to run through JAXWS's 'apt' to generate the WSDL. For dates, I use @XmlSchemaType(name="time") private Date wakeupTime; and this generates a schema with xs:time, but when this all comes out in XML, the value is something like <wakeupTime>1901-01-01T01:00:00 +10</wakeupTime> I want JUS...

Java 6 annotation processing configuration with Ant

I have a custom annotation and it's processor & processorFactory. How do I configure my Ant build file such that: The annotation processor is applied on annotated classes and generates source files inside "gen" folder The generated source files(from annotation processing) could be used by other source files in project. ...

AOP or APT for overriding methods from super classes

I have a large library of wicket components that are annotated with a custom annotation @ReferencedResource or another annotation @ReferencedResources, that has a ReferencedResouce[] value() parameter to allow multiple annotations. Here is a sample code snippet: @ReferencedResources({ @ReferencedResource(value = Libraries.MOO_TOOLS...

Java 6: how to pass multiple parameters to APT

I have a Java Annotation Processor that extends from AbstractProcessor. I have two supported options, addResDir and verbose, and I am trying to set them like this: -AaddResDir=src/main/webapp -Averbose=true I have also tried this: -AaddResDir=src/main/webapp,verbose=true While a single parameter works, e.g. -AaddResDir=src/main/w...

Upgrade OpenSSH, OpenSSL, PHP, Apache on Ubuntu 7.10 LTS Hardy Heron

I'm trying to upgrade my versions of the above packages to meet PCI compliance. I ran apt-get upgrade and almost all of them upgraded but the version numbers stayed the same. Ubuntu 7.10 is Long Term Support so I assume there are these newer patched version available but I can't find them in the official repos. ...

Is linux packet update server connection secured ?

hi, I'm distributing custom applications for redhat. I want to set up my update server to have the client applications auto-updated. I need the update process to be secured. Can the connection to the update server secured and certified ? Is there an encrypted update method ? With server certificate check ? Thanks. ...