
Better solution for dev-enviorment/debugging for google app engine?

Hi, After a few months developing in GAE using google's standalone server (dev_appserver) and Aptana Studio I'm start to get more and more annoyed over my current development environment. As of now there's a couple of things that bothers me. I don't get any code assistants from my own written methods and classes. [Solved] One have t...

Aptana and CodeIgniter

Hi folks. I've just installed Aptana 2.0, and I'm trying to get Code Assist for Codeigniter. I've never used an IDE before, always stick with my good ol' E-text (Windows version for TextMate). But in every screencast about CodeIgniter, people use Aptana and get benefits of it's awesome Code Assist. So...any tips for setting it up?? Tha...

Make Aptana never use Windows line endings

Is there a way to configure Aptana so that it always uses Unix line feeds instead of Windows line feeds? ...

Is there a way to inspect an element in html preview page in Aptana studio

I am trying to find a way to inspect an element in html preview page in Aptana Studio, so that I can quickly select an element to locate the corresponding html code just. This feature is provided in Firebugs plugin of Firefox. I've searched both Aptana forums and here, but couldn't find a good result. ...

What is the phpdoc syntax to link $this to a specific class in Aptana?

I'm working on Magento templates, but this issue would apply to any template loading system. As these templates are loaded by the template engine there's no way for the IDE (in this case Aptana) to know what object type $this is. Potentially it could more than one object as a single template could be loaded by multiple objects, but i...

Multi-dimensional array formatting in Aptana / Eclipse

I'm using Aptana Studio, one issue I'm having with is formatting multi-dimensional arrays. I really want arrays in a tree-like structure, so arrays-within-arrays are shown with indents. Similar to a print_r wrapped in < pre > tags. I can set formatting preferences to put each element on a new line, but can't find how to indent array le...

Eclipse plugin for CSS intellisense

Hi, in my Eclispe IDE i'd like to have intellisense for css in HTML, XHTML, JSF etc. files. Is there a good lightweight plugin besides Aptana IDE? THX ...

How to hide Aptana start page on Eclipse?

How to make it not appear when I open Eclipse? ...

How to run the rails console in debug mode in Aptana Radrails.

In Apatana Rad Rails, I want to run the rails console in debug mode. When I launch the debugger as shown below, debugger doesn't honor the break points. debug script/console I am able to run the rake tasks in debug mode by giving a similar command, i.e. debug rake db:migrate Any pointers will be highly appreciated. ...

Adding code assist for homebrew jQuery plugins in Aptana

Is it possible to add sdoc definition to a jQuery plugin to allow it to be included in Aptana's code assist? Code assist for jQuery is already working, but it doesn't show the plugins I have built. Currently have the following: /** * @id jQuery.fName * @alias $.fName * @alias jQuery.prototype.fName */ function fName(){} ...

Plugin for aptana/eclipse that saves my opened files ?

I wonder if there is a plugin that is able to save the current state of my opened windows? In my case I work at a large system, and attend several bugs in different locations, i submit a bug to test, but lots of times some adjusts must be made.. the point is I don't remember the files i changed after a few days, so It is desirable that ...

Code Completion -- Aptana Eclipse Plugin

I have been doing javascript development for the last couple weeks and have tried JSDT and Aptana to assist in code completion. JSDT wasn't very good at all, but I did have more luck with Aptana (used as eclipse plug-in, not the standalone product). The problem I'm encountering is that when I create javascript classes I cannot get code...

Aptana Studio 2.0: How to checkout SVN Project to SFTP remote dir?

If you're familiar with the excellent Aptana Studio IDE, you know it's based on Eclipse. You also know it comes pre-packaged with SFTP capability. I need to work on a remote server, where I have Apache installed; SFTP is ideal for this. I've installed the Subclipse plugin, and I can access and checkout projects from the Repo. I can crea...

Aptana/Eclipse "Mark for Publishing feature"

Hi, I was wondering whether Aptana or Eclipse has a plugin/feature that allows you to "Mark for Publishing" once you save the file. So, as you working on different files, you can just save it and it will be mark for publishing. Once you are done with the files, you can just click "Publish All" and it will upload to the FTP server that...

Unable to display Google Map through API in Flex SDK

Hello, I am using the mxmlc to compile the examples from google to get started in using Google Maps API in Flex 4. But after compiling the swf file the map does not load. I've registered for an API key Downloaded and included the Maps SDK in the xml config file used at compile time C:\sdk\flex4\frameworks\flex-config.xml <external-lib...

Having encoding problems in Aptana Studio

A few months ago, I was working on a PHP project in Aptana Studio. It was version 1.5 or something. Later I installed Aptana 2.0 and created a new project with the same files. Back then it was UTF-8 so I chose UTF-8 for the project's text file encoding. When I make changes in any PHP file using Aptana, it gives the error: Warning: Ca...

Eclipse/Aptana Subprojects

I've been using a eclipse with the aptana plugin and have all my projects neatly defined. However one project is a main corporate website lets say http://sun.com and it's set up nicely for FTP transfers. However i was wondering if there was a way to define directories of that as subprojects or projects in there own right without messin...

Error loading Mongrel in Aptana Ruby Application on Vista

I'm brand new at Ruby. Trying to set up the first application/project using Aptana Studio. Here are my ruby and gem versions c:\>ruby -v ruby 1.9.1p378 (2010-01-10 revision 26273) [i386-mingw32] c:\>gem -v 1.3.6 I am seeing this error below while starting my ruby application. I'm developing on Vista (sucks, I know but am working on ...

Eclipse / Aptana File Sync Solutions

Our development team uses Eclipse + Aptana to do their web development work. Currently, most of them are mapping their Eclipse projects directly to the web server. I'd rather them create a local project and use that to sync to the web server project directory they are working on. The issue is that there aren't any good solutions whi...

Aptana customisation : PHP Syntax colours

I am rather fond of the Green Chaud set of colourisations for Aptana ( http://gueschla.com/labs/green-chaud./ ), however I notice that the PHP section of options is gone from the Aptana > Editors section of the preferences window. Does anyone know how to colourise the PHP editor now that the option is gone to import a .col? I've had a p...