
SQL Server concurrency and generated sequence

I need a sequence of numbers for an application, and I am hoping to leverage the abilities of SQL Server to do it. I have created the following table and procedure (in SQL Server 2005): CREATE TABLE sequences ( seq_name varchar(50) NOT NULL, seq_value int NOT NULL ) CREATE PROCEDURE nextval @seq_name varchar(50) AS BEGIN DECLAR...

appexchange, facebook, google app store platform architecture

how does appexchange or facebook build their app store architecture? I work for a company that is Saas based and we would like to start building an app store ourselves. We would like to have third party developers develop apps on top of our Saas application similar to appexchange and facebook's applications. If people could led me in ...

If 'Architect' is a dirty word - what's the alternative; when not everyone can actually design a good interface!

Now - I'm a developer first and foremost; but whenever I sit down to work on a big project with lots of interlinking components and areas, I will forward-plan my interfaces, base classes etc as best I can - putting on my Architect hat. For a few weeks I've been doing this for a huge project - designing whole swathes of interfaces etc fo...

Point of sale app architecture advice

hi everyone! I need to develop a point of sale app that will be used on several locations. In every location it will be use a single database and it will be, in another location a master database with all cashflow and inventory moves. The restriction is that the available internet connection between nodes is very poor, so in certain way ...

Codeigniter MVC controller architecture

I'm building a site using CodeIgniter that largely consists of static content (although there will be a relatively small CMS backend, and there's code to handle localization/internationalization based on the domain used to access it). Typically, in a situation like this, I'd use a Pages controller that is in charge of rendering static c...

Cloud Agnostic Architecture?

Hi, I'm doing some architecture work on a new solution which will initially run in Windows Azure. However I'd like the solution (or at least the architecture/design) to be Cloud Agnostic (to whatever extent is realistic). Has anyone done any work on this front or seen any good white papers/blog posts? Our highlevel architecture will co...

Business entity: private instance VS single instance

Suppose my WinForms application has a business entity Order, the entity is used in multiple views, each view handles a different domain or use-case in the application. As an example, one managing orders, the other one digging into one order and displaying additional data. If I'd use nHibernate (or any other ORM) and use one session/data...

"conveyor belt" cache architecture

I'm producing an application with a few peculiar internal communication characteristics that make the usual suspects for data storage and transport (Qs and RDBMSs) ill-fitted. I'm wondering whether there is a product out there that matches the following characteristics: all data put into it is peristent all reads are delivered out of m...

How to design application for multi-branches POS?

My new project is POS application that connect to database using ADSL connection (512 kbps). In each branch has own database that will enable when ADSL connection has problem. From customer requirement, this application must be WindowsForm, so I want to know, how to design this application to make it performance is good as possible? (Cu...

Architectural conundrum

The worst thing when working on a one man project is the lack of input that you usually get from your coworkers. And because of the lack of that you tend to make obvious mistakes. After going down that road for some time I would need some help from the community. I started a little home-brew project that should turn into a portal of so...

How should I architect JasperReports with a PHP front+backend system

Our system is written completely in PHP. For various business reasons (which are a given) I need to build the reports of the system using JasperReports. What architecture should I use? Should I put the Jasper as a stand alone server (if possible) and let the php query against it, should I have it generate the reports with a cron, and the...

iPhone app -- are plists the way to handle default values and other languages?

I wrote my first program almost fifty years ago (yes, coding is still a blast, managing big projects with many programmers was not), but my Von Neumann thinking gets in the way. I want to (a) load default values and (b) account for multiple languages more elegantly (?) than 60-plus iterations of NSLocalizedString. Can I park all of thi...

Best Practices Question on using an ObjectDataSource in, c#, vs2008, sqlserver 2005. I am filling a DataTable in the data access layer with data from a sqlserver stored procedure. Best Practices Question – Is it ok to pass the DataTable to the business layer and use the DataTable from the business layer for an ObjectDataSource in the presentation layer, or Should I transfer ...

N-Tier Architecture - Structure with multiple projects in VB.NET

I would like some advice on the best approach to use in the following situation... I will have a Windows Application and a Web Application (presentation layers), these will both access a common business layer. The business layer will look at a configuration file to find the name of the dll (data layer) which it will create a reference t...

Best practice for DAO pattern ?

I've seen a lot of codes use a service-dao pattern , I don't know the origin of this pattern . It force the front layer call service , then delegates some of the service task to dao. I want to ask : Does DAO layer do purely data access related task ? What about things like exception encapsulation? Is there any other pattern can be ...

Providing multi-version databases for backward compatibility for production applications/databases.

How can I manage multiple versions of a database easily? I have some data (as views as selects for data originating in tables from other schemas), which other database may reference using various means including database synonyms & links. I wish to provide a sort of interface/guarantee in-case future for applications/databases which u...

What's the best Communication Pattern for EJB3-based applications?

I'm starting a JEE project that needs to be strongly scalable. So far, the concept was: several Message Driven Beans, responsible for different parts of the architecture each MDB has a Session Bean injected, handling the business logic a couple of Entity Beans, providing access to the persistence layer communication between the differe...

Creating/compling .net data class within an application

Is there a pattern, Xml structure, architecture technique we can use to create simple data holder class code that we can deserialise to/from and do that at runtime? We're in the early design stage of a .Net project and one of our goals is to make the resulting system extensible through configuration without needing a developer. We need ...

General N-Tier Architecture Question

In an N-Tier app you're supposed to have a business logic layer and a data access layer. Is it bad to simply have two assemblies: BusinessLogicLayer.dll and DataAccessLayer.dll to handle all this logic? How do you actually represent these layers. It seems silly, the way I've seen it, to have a BusinessLogic class library containing class...

What do you call a generalized (non-GUI-related) "Model-View-Controller" architecture?

I am currently refactoring code that coordinates multiple hardware components for data acquisition, and feeling a bit like I'm recreating the wheel. In particular, an MVC-like pattern seems to be emerging. Except, this has nothing to do with a GUI and I'm worried that I'm forcing this particular pattern where another might be more approp...