
How to determine the amount of memory used by unmanaged code

I'm working against a large COM library (ArcObjects) and I'm trying to pinpont a memory leak. What is the most reliable way to determine the amount of memory used by unmanaged code/objects. What performance counters can be used? ...

Developing ArcMap extension .Net books?

We have 2 new GIS programmer/analyst in our department (new to programming and ArcObjects) and I don't feel I'm qualified enough or have the time to teach them. So I'm looking for entry level books/tutorials for them to use as reference. The only books I can find for developing Extensions for ArcMap are written for VBA. Besides the ES...

Is there a way to get graphic text to scale in ArcMap?

I'm using this code to create text in ArcMap. But I can't seem to get it to scale like annotation text when you zoom in. Does anyone know how to do this? //'First setup a color. We'll use RGB red IRgbColor pRGBcolor = new RgbColor(); pRGBcolor.Blue = 0; pRGBcolor.Red = 255; ...

Programatic way to do linear referencing in ArcGIS

Hi everyone, I am working on a custom ArcGIS Desktop tool project and I would like to implement an automated linear referencing feature in it. To make a long story short, I would like to display problematic segments along a route and show the severity by using a color code (say green, yellow, red, etc.). I know this is a pretty common s...

Using "MakeRouteEventLayer" in ArcGIS

Hi, I'm trying to use the MakeRouteEventLayer tool but can't seem to get the different pre-conditions met. The routes are hosted on an SDE database. So far, I am setting the workspace by making a connection to the database server but I don't know how to get the arguments needed by MakeRouteEventLayer's constructor. I can't seem to find ...

How do you get a unique id for a layer or generate one in Arcmap?

Is there a way in arcobjects to get a unique id for a layer? If you do a search by layer name there could be possible duplicates. If there isn't a property is there a way to generate an id? I tried using the GetHash() but that didn't stay consistent. ...

Developing ArcGIS 9 extension - what do I need to get started?

I got the 'honor' to port an existing ArcGis 3.x Avenue script to ArcGIS 9.x ArcObjects. What do I need to get started? (So far I don't even have a copy of ArcGIS) From ESRI's developer website it seems I need to buy an EDN annual subscription for $1,500 - does this contain a developers copy of ArcGIS, or will I have to buy that, too? ...

Alter map layer symbology dynamically (ArcGIS Server)

What is the preferred method of altering a layer's symbology dynamically? My web app consumes a map service via the REST API, but I don't mind using the SOAP API or ArcObjects (.NET). ...

How can I programmatically access the ArcGIS 3D Analyst Toolbar's "Features to 3D" command?

I need to take a 2D shape file in the ".shp" format that ArcGIS accepts, and add 3D information supplied by a raster DEM. I'm looking for how to do this with the ArcObjects API. I'd like to do it in C#, but examples in any .NET language would be welcome. The only thing I've been able to find are descriptions of how to do this manually in...

Representing planar graphs / GIS topology: ArcObjects vs. CGAL arrangements

I need to represent a planar graph structure, i.e., a division of part of the plane into polygons so that I can easily find a polygon's neighbors etc (like on a map). What is the best library to use? ArcObjects? CGAL (2D arrangements)? Anything else? I use C++ under Windows. ...

What does the exception "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040653" when calling IFeatureClass.Search in ArcObjects mean?

I'm supporting an application built on ESRI ArcObjects where the original developers are long since gone. The application after having worked fine for a couple of years has started failing with this exception. The application runs on a daily schedule. The error message isn't very helpful. Any ideas what the cause of the error might be?...

Documentation for ArcObjects' Java system properties

I'm currently debugging a Java application which uses the ESRI ArcObjects library. As the ArcObjects themselves are COM-classes and interfaces an integrated COM-bridge is used, which seems to be a stripped-down version of JIntegra. It occurred to me, that the initialization of the ArcObjects library creates some system properties but I ...

ArcObjects - enumerating feature classes and datasets within a geodatabase

I'm trying to enumerate the contents (feature classes and feature datasets, not interested in tables, etc) of a file geodatabase using vba/arcobjects. I have the file GDB set as an IGxDatabase object, but can't find a way of getting further in. I've had a look at the geodatabase object model and tried using IFeatureClass and IFeatureDa...

ArcObjects - Will the Post/Reconcile Operations Fire the IObjectClassEvents Event?

Just wondering if anyone had experience with this before I go down that rabbit hole... ...

Serialize a FeatureClass to XML in ESRI ArcGIS

How can I serialize an IFeatureClass object to XML? There are some resources for using IXMLSerializer on other ArcObjects, but that won't work for IFeatureClass because it doesn't implement ISerializable. ...

How to automate the finding of an M value along a route

Kirk Kuykendall had given a script example a few years back in an ESRI forum as to how to find the M (measure) value of a point in a shapefile along a route when you clicked on the point. This is very handy, BUT..I have 1500 points that I need M values for. Is there a...

ArcObjects - IWorkspaceExtension and Component Category Registration

I have coded an implementation of IWorkspaceExtension (along with IWorkspaceExtensionControl, which declares the Init method), and registered it in the ESRI Geodatabase Workspace Extensions Component Category. However, when I connect to the Workspace, the Extension is not "Init"ed. I was able to get the implementation "Init"ed when I re...

How to buffer an IPoint or IGeometry? (How to do buffered intersection checks on an IPoint?)

How would I buffer an IPoint to do an intersection check using IRelationalOperator? I have, for arguments sake: IPoint p1 = xxx; IPoint p2 = yyy; IRelationalOperator rel1 = (IRelationalOperator)p1; if (rel.Intersects (p2)) // Do something But now I want to add a tolerance to my check, so I assume the right way to do that is by...

ArcObjects: Is buffering a point faster than buffering a line / polyline?

I can write my code logic to either buffer a polyline or to buffer the to and from point of the polyline. Working with the points will be easier, so it is the preferred way. Logically my reasoning tells me that buffering a point will be faster as it will always be a perfect circle. But will buffering 2 points still be faster than buffer...

How to access a grid using ArcObgect

How can I get value of each cells of grid using ArcObject? Grid was created by Spatial Analyst -> Distance ->Straight Line I need to use this values for other operations. Please, help me! ...