
SQL Server: Query times out when executed from web, but super-fast when executed from SSMS

I'm trying to debug the source of a SQL timeout in a web application that I maintain. I have the source code of the C# code behind, so I know exactly what code is running. I have debugged the application right down to the line that executes the SQL code that times out, and I watch the query running in SQL profiler. When this query ...

Why would SET ARITHABORT ON dramatically speed up a query?

The query is a single select containing a lot of grouping levels and aggragate operations. With SET ARITHABORT ON is takes less than a second, otherwise it takes several minutes. We have seen this behavior on SQL Server 2000 and 2008. ...

How to SET ARITHABORT ON for connections in Linq To SQL

By default, the SQL connection option ARITHABORT is OFF for OLEDB connections, which I assume Linq To SQL is using. However I need it to be ON. The reason is that my DB contains some indexed views, and any insert/update/delete operations against tables that are part of an indexed view fail if the connection does not have ARITHABORT ON. E...