
Preventing Cisco PIX/ASA5520 from advertising ospf default route to zone

I have an ASA5520, and I want to run ospf on it. It has 4 interfaces. I only want the default-information originate to advertise on one interface. How would I do that? ...

Is it possible to recoverDB File in sybase? i have lost my db file

I have lost my "Trak.db" there is log file is available is it possible to recover this one through log file? use of Log files? ...

Sybase ASA 9 Stored procedure, use default parameter

I have a stored procedure'test' in Sybase ASA with for example 4 parameters. par1 INT = 0, par2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL, par3 VARCHAR(100) = NULL, par4 VARCHAR(10) = '' Now I want to execute this stored procedure with par1 as its default value. call test(NULL, 'test') But the actual value of par1 i not 0, but 1! I also tried call t...

Create dynamic cursor in sybase asa

Hi all, I need to create a dynamic resultset in a stored procedure in Sybase ASA 9. Lets say I have a query: 'SELECT '+@Description+', '+@Id+' From '+@Table; I need to create a cursor to get all values of that query. How? ...

How to set ODBC connection string for adaptive server anywhere network server in C#

I have a adaptive server anywhere network server(version 7.0),it's name is "TestServer". Now, Client want to connect this server using OdbcConnetion in DOTNET,How to set the connection string ? ...

In ASA stored procedure how to view the existing SP using commands.

In ASA database What is the command to view the existing stored procedure code in command prompt? Pls help me. Thanks in advance. Version ASA 9.0 ...

Sybase ASA 8.0 trigger how to determine whether to insert ,update,delete operate.

Follow is my trigger of Sybase ASA 8.0 script: Create trigger dba.test after insert,delete,update order 1 on DBA.tb_press referencing old as _old new as _new for each row begin --How to detect deleteOperate,updateOperate? if deleteOperate then insert into syncLog(tableName,keyId,version,operate) select tb_press,_o...

Is there a way to connect to an ASA database with Powerbuilder without deploying the ODBC or OLEDB drivers?

What I want is a Powerbuilder application that runs on Windows that runs from a CD (or some other external disk) that can read from an ASA database whose file is located on the same disk. But I want to do so without deploying the ODBC or OLEDB drivers. That is, I do not want to have to copy the driver files to the client's hard disk or...

Does Adaptive Server Anywhere not support subqueries in the FROM clause?

I am trying to execute an SQL query on an Adaptive Server Anywhere database. Here it is: SELECT count(*) AS s FROM ( SELECT column1, count(*) AS n FROM table1 GROUP BY column1 HAVING n > 1 ) In the subquery, I want to get all the rows that are duplicates and in the outer query I want a count of the rows that are dupli...

CISCO ASA 5510: How to view the number of connections per second?

How can I view the number of connection per second that my CISCO ASA 5510 Firweall is processing? Inbound and Outbound. Thanks, ...