
access a ascx parameter in code behind

I was wondering if I could add a user control to a page with a parameter and then access that parameter in the code behiind for initiallization. For example on my aspx page i would have somethign like. <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="myMap" Src="~/Map.ascx" %> blah blah blah <uc1:myMap ID="myMap1" runat="server" DefaultCountry=...

Handling the submit action of two TextBoxes

I have an page. That has an Ajax Toolkit Tab Control. That has tabs. That have custom ascx controls I wrote. I have a text box that perform a search action. It is declared like this: <asp:TextBox ID="txtPrereqSearch" runat="server" ontextchanged="txtPrereqSearch_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox> Nothin...