
Can you set the maxlength of a string in WSDL generated by an ASP.Net WebService?

I am creating a web service in ASP.Net. I have looked and can't find any way of making ASP.Net set the maxLength attribute of string parameters in the generated WSDL file. Is this possible, and if so how can it be done? ...

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Why we are going for WCF when web services (ASMX) exist ?? ...

What is the most efficient cross-process communication method for IIS web services

We have a set of (ASMX but could be WCF) 64-bit web services which need to execute some 32-bit managed code (the APIs have 32-bit COM dependencies and cannot be executed in 64-bit) for processing on the same physical machine. The 64-bit web services are hosted in IIS 7.0. Note: some of the messages contain large byte arrays. What is the...

Whats great deal about ASMX Services

I have been working with webservices for over 2 years now. I have lot to say about services like Soap 1.2, WSDL, the way communication is taking place and 100 of other things. I have seen people talking about their heavy ASMX background and web services expertize. But, when it comes to implementation I don't find anything but adding a w...

ASMX service parameter (type string) has null value when invoked from WCF client

I am trying to consume an existing ASMX service using WCF with a BasicHttpBinding. I used SvcUtil to get me started and just extracted the contract definition interface and the config in to my project leaving all default configuration values as generated by SvcUtil. The following is what I have currently: Contract: <ServiceContract()> ...

XSD and ASMX Services

I have received few WSDLs and XSD defining a service that I need to consume for one of my project. Now here is a similar structure: *XSD_EMPDetails.xsd* - Define few of the EmployerDetails *XSD_EMP.xsd* - has imported EmployerDetails xsd and some more attributes. (xsd import) EMP.wsdl - imports XSD_EMP.xsd (xsd import) EMPServcie.w...

How can I extract the URL of a Web Reference added to a C# project?

Let's say I add a web reference to a project), I would instantiate it like this: MyWebService.MyClass myClass = new MyWebServive.MyClass(); Is there anyway to get the URL of this web service aside from checking the config file, e.g: myClass.getURL(); at runtime? Does anybody have some ideas? ...

System.InvalidOperationException: The type [XYZ] may not be used in this context. BUG Confirmed.

Hey all, I'm at my wits end on this one. I occasionally get the error above from my .Net 2.0 asmx web service. I've got the proper XmlInclude() in place, and it only appears sometimes - when I rebuild and update the site, it may show up, it may not, no rhyme or reason. If I move some of the XmlIncludes() around, rebuild, and push the ch...

ASMX web service with Soap extension - problem with Encryption method

I try sing and encrypt SOAP message in ASP.NET Web Service. //I have Crypt class, which input parameters is Stream: public class CryptUtility { public virtual Stream EncryptAndSingXml (Stream inputStream) { XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(inputStream); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); ...

Accessing an ASMX Web Service from JavaScript

Hello Sir, I made one web service of named WebService in which GetTest, SetTest function which set and get GUID. Now i want to use this function in javascript in .aspx file. How i use this function in javascript. I put web service code below:- [WebMethod] public void SetTest(Guid id, string text) { this.Application.Add(id.ToString(...

Error Accessing SQL Server from an ASMX Web Service

I am accessing my server through remote desktop connection and have configured a webservice in IIS. I am able to see the methods but when I click on the button to "Invoke" I get the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'SOLDev\Server02$'. at ShareWare.Web.Service.WebAPI.Reservation.GetInfo() Why...

The methods xx and yy use the same SOAPAction

We are trying to create a mock service for a web service for testing purposes. To do this we run wsdl.exe to create an interface and then create an asmx web service based on that interface. We have done this several times over the last years without any problems. This time we get an error: The methods xx and yy use the same SOAPAction...

Role of DISCO - Web Services

I know every service we create (working with ASMX, .net 2.0) is attached with discovery document and I know the definition and purpose of Discovery document from numerous articles on web. I need to know how it actually works? What do we mean when we say It is through the discovery process that XML Web service clients learn that ...

Consume REST YAML web service in ASP.NET

I'm using PandaStream, which sends a REST notification as YAML to our ASP.NET app. The web service I have chokes and returns 500 because it attempts to parse the content as XML. How can I stop this parsing? How do I get the content as just a big string so I can parse it myself? [WebMethod] //HOWTO? suppress XML parsing public void Updat...

how do i set a specific domain which can use a ASMX service?

I want to set my default Domain name for my site to be given access only by the webservices. I'm using the webservices in JQuery Ajax ...

can you return a string[] from ASMX to JQuery AJAX?

Here's my web method [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string[] LoadArray() Here's my javascript $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/services/Service.asmx/LoadArray', data: "{}", contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', dataType: 'json', success: function(arr) { for ...

How to Declare Complex Nested C# Type for Web Service

I would like to create a service that accepts a complex nested type. In a sample asmx file I created: [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. // [System.Web.Scr...

How Can I access WCF services using a Web Reference?

What WCF configuration settings makes WCF service, so that I can access as old ASMX web services? How can I authenticate using Authentication header what I used in Old ASMX web services? ...

webservice(.asmx) issue

i have a webmethod in my webservice public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public int ADD(int a,int b ) { return a+b; } } i need to implement it in a windowapplication which contain a textbox .i added webreference there with foldername "localhost" and URL as "http://localhost:4484...

can there be 2 webmethods with same name inside a web service in c#

I was asked a question in interview can there be 2 webmethods with same name inside a web service in c#. With function overloading it is possible but interviewer wanted an answer without using function overloading. My answer was No. IS it correct.Please comment. ...