
How can I get this request structure via .asmx web service?

I am working on creating a .asmx webservice to meet the specific needs of an integration environment and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get one section of it to work. The key is that the request WSDL needs to be something like the following. (Note I removed the soap envelope and namespace information) <methodOne> <m...

Web Service Performance Issue

Greetings, I've got a simple asmx web service that just needs to log some information to a transactional database. However it is timing out for the client. The call to update the database just calls 1 stored procedure and I don't beleive it could be optimized further for better performance. I've been reduced to just logging the run u...

what is difference with WCF and other web services ?

I'm confused with WCF and other web services (such as ASMX,.net Remoting),can anybody tell me what is difference with WCF and the others and when should I use it, thanks! ...

What type of service should I use for Silverlight 2 data?

There is ASMX, WCF, REST, and ADO.NET Data Services... I've used WCF and ASMX succesfully with Silverlight 2, but what about the others? What are the pros and cons of using each type of service with Silverlight 2? ...

How to Use [XmlElement(DataType="date")] with WebMethod Attribute of a WebService

My Web Service Signature is [WebMethod] public DataSet GetPatientLastWeighing(int pFacilityID,string pSessionID) { } ...

Getting a WCF service to map POST'd parameters to arguments

I have a legacy service I'm looking to update to WCF and one of it's behaviours is to allow clients to POST a request that has something like: MyService.asmx/ProcessDocument With Post data looking like: request=<big block of xml> Now in the ASMX days this service accepted a single string parameter i.e: public void ProcessDocument(st...

Null characters in web service response causes XML document error

It seems there is a bug in SQL Server Integration Services 2005 which, in certain circumstances, converts a zero length string into a single character string whose character happens to be an ansi null, ie. ascii character zero (Please note that this is very different from a sql null). This happens to one of our data load processes so th...

.asmx web services with ssl

Hi, Are there any special configuration settings you have to do to make a web service work with SSL? Is there a way to force the service methods to authenticate using a username/password like I can do with a WCF service? ...

How to lookup documentation for ASMX web services in MSDN?

Hi, What term do I use to lookup documentation for old school .asmx web services in MSDN? I want to add authentication (username/password) so that each web method is authenticated before executing. Since everything is WCF I can't find anything hehe. ...

How can I get this XML Structure

I have a web service that has an input object similar to the following. public class MyInput { [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItem("Demographic")] public DemographicsInfo[] Demographics {get; set;} } With the definition of the DemographicsInfo class like this. public class DemographicsInfo { [System.Xml.Serialization.X...

Multiple XmlElement attributes on same property/class/...

I'm putting several legacy web services and the current web service into the same back end. But I have to keep the old web services compatible with there old interface. So my question: Is there a way I can set several attributes on, for example, a property? Like this: [XmlElement("AvailableFrom",... what I need...)] [XmlElement("Ava...

Create HTML table out of object array in Javascript

I am calling a web Method from javascript. The web method returns an array of customers from the northwind database. The example I am working from is here: Calling Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX I dont know how to write this javascript method: CreateCustomersTable This would create the html table to display the data being returned. Any...

C# ASMX webservice semi -permanant storage requirement

Hi, I'm writing a mock of a third-party web service to allow us to develop and test our application. I have a requirement to emulate functionality that allows the user to submit data, and then at some point in the future retrieve the results of processing on the service. What I need to do is persist the submitted data somewhere, an...

how do you pass a parameter to an page method using jquery/ajax?

I'm trying to pass parameters to my static web method (which is in an page). I'm trying to pass the "test1" param with a value of "myvalue". Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "WebForm1.aspx/WebMethod1", data: {"test1": "myvalue"}, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", d...

Create an ASMX web service from a WSDL file

I have a WSDL file and I am trying to create a web service that conforms to the WSDL. I've created clients using WSDL files that consume an existing service, but I've never created a web service that needed to follow a specific WSDL. I've gone as far as using: wsdl.exe mywsdl.wsdl /l:VB /serverInterface Now I've got a .vb file genera...

Convert WCF .svc file to .asmx file

I have a WCF Service. I have an external software that can read only .asmx files. Is it possible to convert my .svc file in the corresponding .asmx? ...

Do ASMX or WCF Proxy clients use IO completion ports?

I'm in the middle of performance testing a critical section of my project, when I notice a whole lot of extra threads being used to to perform WaitOrTimerCallback operations. On closer inspection I can see that these are being spawned by my ASMX client proxy class for operations on a remote server. I was under the impression that t...

ASMX Web Service Expose Class

Hi all, I'm creating a basic web service in using simple ASMX services. When I create a method that returns a class, this class definition is discoverable by clients of the service. I'm wondering if there is a way to expose a class to the service that isn't used directly in any of the service methods. I need my service clien...

Using JQuery to call a WebMethod

I am having trouble getting inside my Search WebMethod from my JQuery call. Maybe someone could help to point me in the right direction. I also packed up everything into a zip file incase someone wants to check it out for a closer look. Thanks Ryan <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="fal...

calling an ascx page method using jqery

I know that I can call a page method with jquery using the following syntax $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Default.aspx/GetDate", data: "{}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function(msg) { // Replace the div's content with the page method's return. $("#Result").text(msg.d); ...