ASP.NET Ajax control toolkit not shown in VS 2008

I have downloaded the Ajax control toolkit; I have created a new tab in VS 2008 (SP1) toolbox, added the controls from the AjaxControlToolkit.dll,everything went fine. When I removed the toolbox and tried to perform the same steps as above, it didn't work anymore... That is, in the window shown for the "Choose items", the controls are'...

web base online diagramming (how are those software implemented)

could someone guide me on how web based online diagramming software's work. i would really appreciate if you could point me example resource to get some knowledge on this. Following are the some of the samples web based online tools that i have been trying to studying this second ...

Error with AsyncFileUpload in DotNetNuke

Hi, did anyone succed in using AsyncFileUpload in DNN? Although the module is marked as "allow partial render", I get two errore in web page, as alerts: "Unhandled exception: Access is denied" and "Unhandled exception: the requested file uploading problem". How can I solve it? the classical input type="file" is not working with ASP.NE...

Unable to regress web application from AJAX Control Toolkit 3.0 back to 1.0

I was recently asked to stop using the Ajax Control Toolkit 3.0 in my application and need to go back to 1.0. Luckily I only have one calendar control which I don't believe will be affected by this. I have removed the reference to the 3.0 .dll and added a reference to the 1.0 .dll. These are the assemblies in web.config: <asse...

Problem with Google visualization inside Ajax Toolkit Tab Control

I'm trying to use a google visualisation, the column chart, inside an AJAX Toolkit Tab Control, but I'm having small (literally) problems. If I add the visualisation to the tab that's displayed by default when the page loads, the bar chart displays correctly, however, if I add the same control to another tab and reload the page...

How can I implement a countdown timer in an page ?

I want to show a countdown timer on the top right corner of my asp page. It should start from 00:00:30 and decrement it to 00:00:00. Then it again start from 30 sec. Can anyone help me ? please.. thank you.... ...

AsyncFileUpload file size limit

When I was using AsyncFileUpload to upload 100KB image, I got no error message, but image not uploaded. I can upload 75KB image succssfully. I am using IIS 6.0. <cc1:AsyncFileUpload ID="afuImg" Width="400px" runat="server" UploaderStyle="Traditional" ThrobberID="Throbber2" OnClientUploadError="uploadErrorImg" OnClientUpl...