ASP.Net Ajax: How to add a custom control to the 2.0 toolbox from its DLL

I have a MS AJAX toolkit DLL which I want to add to the toolbox items as a tab. How do I go about in doing this? ...

IE7 freezes after an aspx page with a highligted textbox and update panel posts back

I have an webpage with an UpdateProgress, UpdatePanel, ScriptManager and some form elements. When text is highlighted in a textbox and the form is submitted, the postback is successful but then IE7 is completely frozen. When I remove the updatepanel, the problem goes away. Anyone knows a fix for this? Is there Javascript which ...

Does RAD for exist?

I've built web sites using classic ASP, ASP.NET web forms and lately ASP.NET with ExtJS. However, I've always felt that I've had to do a lot of the heavy lifting and that there was no real RAD until the application was fairly mature. I've only briefly looked at RoR and Django, but they look like a step in the right direction. Does anyo... Ajax: Use Code behind function instead web service

Hi all. Is it possible not to use web service for ajax instead call code-behind function to fetch data? any example or link is much appericate. ...

Deserializing JSON objects as List<type> not working with asmx service

I am having trouble deserializing my JSON string. I have a class of type person with public properties for sequence number of type int, first name, and last name. I want to pass an array of these objects in JSON format and have them deserialized as a list so I can loop through them on the server, but ASP.NET says something about not be...

Adsense in a ajax based application?

How do I add adsense or other ads in a ajax/ajax based application ? (ex. ra-ajax samples page) or GWT Is creating an iframe a viable solution? As stated below, placing adsense script is easy. But the google bot wont be able to scan my ajax based page, as all of the content is javascript. There wont be contextual ads. So wont...

dealing with blank non-string data in json and ajax

I am trying to figure out the best way in an asmx web service to indicate null for a date so that I can insert dbnull.value when the user doesn't enter text into a date field. Currently I have a string field in the class that I am serializing that will serve as the date field. When that string is blank I insert dbnull.value, otherwise ...

Pass to javascript a dictionary of a dictionary (.NET)

I'm trying to solve the problem of passing a 2-dimensional table into JavaScript AJAX application through SOAP web services. I'm trying to pass data into JavaScript web page through ASP.NET web service declared with following attributes: [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptServ...

ASP.NET AJAX and DateTime Format on the Client

So I've finally got my WCF service setup and talking to browser via ASP.NET AJAX. But I have found that when I populate a html table with my data... the datetime format looks like this: Fri Jan 02 2009 15:27:12 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) On the server I am using the .NET DateTime format. Should I use something else and do the wor...

Replace UpdatePanel with JQuery

I'm using UpdatePanel to asynchronously call a button click event in a page that calls a method in another class which writes out an XML file on the output. Is there a way to do this with JQuery instead of UpdatePanel? ...

Javascript function should be running on every page load

I am looking at an 2 web application that I am maintaining (but did not write). Some things that should happen on the page loading do not, but only sometimes, and it seems to be if you are using Firefox 3 inside a VM. JQuery and Ajax are used. The important function that should run every time (but does not) is attached ...

How to re-position the ajax ValidatorCalloutExtender

I'm using the ValidatorCalloutExtender found in AjaxControlToolkit version 3.0.20299.9. The validation is occuring in a browser window that has resizable=0 set. The popout box is getting positioned mostly outside of the viewable window - off to the right. It had positioned correctly with AjaxControlToolkit version 1.0.10618.0. It act...

Trigger and control inside DetailView

I have a detailview control with linkbutton inside the templatefield. I wrap the detailview inside the updatepanel and set trigger with the linkbutton inside the detailview. However, i got error saying it can't find the linkbutton. I tried to google on setting trigger that is inside detailview and gridview but i haven't come across any p...

ASP.NET - UpdatePanel and JavaScript

Is there a way to execute script when an UpdatePanel process is finished. I have a page that allows "inserting", "copying", and "editing" of a record. This is all done on an UpdatePanel to prevent a page navigation. Somewhere else on the page I would like to print a "flash" message - like "You have successfully entered a record." It is ...

Need help with an AJAX workflow

Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive with the title, I will elaborate fully below: I have a web application that I want to implement some AJAX functionality into. Currently, it is running ASP.NET 3.5 with VB.NET codebehind. My current "problem" is I want to dynamically be able to populate a DIV when a user clicks an item on a list. T...

How to populate UpdatePanel in Repeater in ASPX (not code-behind)?

I have a Repeater which displays a list of items (in a grid-like/table view). When a user clicks an item, I display an UpdatePanel under this item with additional information relevant to the item (similar to Accordion control). I know how to populate the elements of the UpdatePanel in code-behind (I pass the ID of the selected element in...

Weird ASP.NET AJAX Bug / 32-bit to 64-bit

I'm getting a weird error from my sites ever since upgrading to Windows 2008 64-bit. I have most of my app pools running in 64-bit mode (all but one, used for a legacy ASP.NET 1.1 application). On the sites that are running on 64-bit, I've been getting errors from ASP.NET AJAX. Exception information: Exception type: System.NotSuppor...

How would I determine on the server side if a given HttpRequest was sent via ajax?

I was wondering what is the best way (if at all possible) to determine on the server side if a given HttpRequest was sent via ajax? ...

Multiple row Tabs using CSS

Hello, i can't find a way to do multiple row tabs with ajax tab control. I also can't find a tutorial or example on using CSS to make multiple row of tabs. In case you don't understand what i'm looking for here is a image of what i'm looking for

AjaxControlKit in .NET 2.0 from Visual Studio 2008

Hi, I am working on a project which was developed in Visual Studio 2005 (.NET 2.0). I have Visual Studio 2008 and on opening the solution the files are converted to older framework. But the project uses a AjaxControlKit which I guess is not available by default in ASP.NET 2.0 and hence it throws an error that a reference/library is mis...