Silverlight/.Net RIA Services - Authorization Working Sample!??!

Hello! I have followed numerous tutorials and walkthroughs/blogs about the capabilities that Ria Services brings to the table when using Silverlight with ASP.Net. Essentially I am looking for a live working example of the authorization functionality that Ria Services can apparently take hold of from ASP.Net. (Even better if it works wit...

ASP.NET MVC - Authorization Refactor

The problem i see with this code, is that it's going to be reused a lot; anything being edited/created by a authenticated user (except for Site administrators) will only have access to a their "studios" objects. My question to you all; how would you re-factor this so the service layer can be abstracted away from the knowledge of the cl...

Run both Authorize Filter and Action Filter on unauthenticated ASP.NET MVC request

I have decorated my base controller with a couple of action filters. They work fine. One of those filters sets up the request - does things like set the culture based on the domain, etc. I also have a handful of actions that require authorization using the Authorize attribute. My problem is that when an user attempts to request a p...

ASP.Net - What is current best practice for tracking state and session variables?

We're creating a new consumer/public-facing ASP.Net web app. There are two concerns: --Use cookie or cookieless forms authentication? --If we decide not to use cookies at all, how would you store the data that would otherwise be stored in the cookie (Customer ID, AffiliateID, etc.). Does the ASP.Net authentication framework track s...