Hello there
I need to provide a wiki page for an app which would be like an island pretty much - little like codeplex wiki page
If there's a master admin page, that'd be fanstastic but is not a requ...
I am trying to figure out how to do the following:
1) After a form is submitted, serialize the raw post data and store it to a database
2) Read the post data from the db and replay it by re-posting it to the same URL
To explain my end goal, we have three main envs: dev, acceptance, and production. I would like to be able to m...
With the default ModelBinder and its attribute Bind we can set a prefix like this:
public ActionResult Save([Bind(Prefix="test")] Person p)) {
I have a CustomModelBinderAttribute which returns a bespoke ModelBinder:
public ActionResult Save([PersonBinderAttribute(Prefix="test2")] Person p)) {
How do I access the value of Pref...
I think MvcApplication is a global singleton. I want to get the instance of MvcApplication in controller. Then I put following code in controller:
MvcApplication app = HttpContext.Current.Application as MvcApplication;
it give me error:
Error 2 'System.Web.HttpContextBase' does not contain a definition for 'Current' and no extension m...
During runtime, is there a way to specify which MasterPageFile a view should use?
Basically when the view is rendered I need to tell it which Master Page File to use which may be obtained from a database or something.
How can dynamic breadcrumbs be achieved with ASP.net MVC?
If you are curious about what breadcrumbs are:
What are breadcrumbs? Well, if you have ever browsed an online store or read posts in a forum, you have likely encountered breadcrumbs. They provide an easy way to see where you are on a site. Sites like Craigslist use breadcrumb...
The only tutorial I've found so far is: http://my6solutions.com/post/2009/04/05/Integration-of-Facebook-Connect-on-ASP-NET-MVC.aspx
I tried following it but it didn't get me anywhere because it kept saying there were missing methods (I'm guessing because the edited files he gives you is edited from an old copy of the facebook connect so...
in asp.net-mvc, I am using RedirectToAction("myActionName");
I want to pass some values via the querystring, how do I do that?
I have been trying to deploy my asp.net mvc site to IIS 7 and having a bit of an issue. Whenever I run the site, I get a "Could not load type 'System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage'.". When I try to access a page with a master page, I get a Could not load type 'System.Web.Mvc.MasterViewPage'" error. I tried using tracing rules in IIS 7 to narro...
Exactly as per the title.
Simply in my HomeController I have:
string Username = User.Identity.Name;
Why is this value always blank?
Is there something special I have to place in the web.config to get this value to come through. I've tried on both the VS dev web server as well as on a windows server 2003 IIS server.
It's got to be s...
I created a standard ASP.NET MVC project and then added a SQL Express database in the App_Data folder. The connection string is recorded into the web.config file. I then created a LINQ to SQL data model for the database. I want to test the data model from my Test project but I don't know how to go about this correctly because I am using ...
how can i run code when an application ends with asp.net mvc ?
I have a Product controller with Index action, which basically creates the view form for post and Index (Post action verb) action on the ProductController which basically save the product to db but when validation errors occur, I am returning a View(mymodel) else when saved, I am returning RedirectToAction("Created,"Product") but for som...
I'm using ASP.net MVC and SQL Server, but I don't think the answer will depend on this architecture, and I'm equally interested in solutions that use other architectures. So...
I have an object (row) within SQL that needs to be: versioned, updated by multiple people, approved, and merged.
For a quick-and-dirty solution, I'm d...
I'd like to know what you think of the following design options.
I have an 'AgendaController' (.NET MVC project) which handles user actions like viewing their agenda, making appointments, etcetera. When a user makes an appointment, the appointment is saved in a database. Then, there is a 'secondary' task that has to be done, in this cas...
I have a form, when user submit the form, I want to direct the user the new view to display the submitted result(transfer viewmode data to display view).
public class HomeController : Controller
private MyViewModel _vm;
// POST: /Home/Create
On a new ASP.NET MVC application we are following a TDD approach, using NUnit for unit testing and Unity for Dependancy Injection.
Our views are being made as "dumb" as possible by adjusting our models to supply data in the most appropriate fashion for our views.
Is there a merit in unit testing our views? If so - how?
Hi, I have a view that looks like this:
And i would like to call the action
public void viaId (int Id)
when the page loads. Right now I only have the controller implemented and when I browse the url the parameter Id is null.
Do i need to create the view and call it through javas...
Hi everyone!
I have a View that receives a List of an object and for each object in this list I generate a Partial View.
It's a seach result, such as Google. Each result will be wrapped in a form and each result will have its "save" post button.
So, when I post a form, I will lead user to another page where he will confirm the result ...