Rolemanager not working when ASPDotNetStorefront served in a virtual folder with FormsAuthentication

Does anyone know if there is a valid roleManager I can apply to ASPDotNetStorefront to get the site working? We have a website that has an ASP.Net storefront served in a virtual folder off the root. Everything has been workign fine until we put the groundwork in place for forms authentication in the...

Custom roles in ASP.NET

Hi, I am working on an ASP.NET website which uses forms authentication with a custom authentication mechanism (which sets e.Authenticated programmatically on protected void Login_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)). I have an ASP.NET sitemap. Some elements must be displayed only to logged in users. Others must be disp...

IsInRole Works only when user sign in

Hi Why HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Customer") returns false if the user is not logged in, I think because user is considered anonymous is this case, Correct? Thanks ...

Is ASP.NET membership, role management and Profile usable in a C# Class Library?

I know it's possible to use this information in a winform, wpf or console application. But I rather to determine which user with what roles are running a sepecific method, so I could decide upon them and run different codes. In addition in a desktop app. how a user can login? Is there any special winform or wpf login control? ...

Extending the RoleProvider GetRolesForUser()

The GetRolesForUser() method in the RoleProvider takes the user login name and returns the list of roles for that user. But in my application this is not enough, I need a few more pieces of information to be able to get the user's roles. How can I get this extra information into the method? I have it in the Session, but I found out tha...

How to best handle permissions (not roles) in membership, specifically in ASP.NET MVC

There are plenty of questions (and information) on setting up membership, role providers and the like. Whether or not you should use the built in platform provided by microsoft, or role extend the base classes and role your own. I have decided to extend the default providers and implement my own membership and role providers. No...

How do I prevent duplicate membership users when using multiple roleproviders with different application names?

I have a single membership provider which is using the '/' default application name. I then have multiple applications which share this common membership provider configuration. Each application has it's own role provider configuration, they all share the same database as the membership provider but use a different application name to is...

How do I code a RoleProvider against a datastore that doesn't define roles?

I'm looking at writing a custom RoleProvider to talk to an external third-party system. However, the "roles" I need aren't explicitly defined in the system but are instead based on conditions within the system. For example, a role might be defined as someone who is assigned to a particular committee or someone who is at a particular leve...

ASP.NET Allow Admin Users Access Basic Users Accounts

Hello, We have an ASP.Net web application currently released to the public, that uses Membership and Provider features and have our users assign to a "Basic" role. What we are working on doing is developing an administrative site, so that administrators (presumably to be assigned an "Admin" role) are able to login to the administrative...

ASP.NET MVC Single Sign-on and Roles

I have basic Single Sign-On working across 2 MVC sites (call them SiteA and SiteB) using something along the lines of the following method: They are on sub-domains of the same domain and share hash\encryption keys etc in web.config. I've modified the cookie so it is accessible to all Sites o...

ASP.Net Membership logging in successfully, then redirecting to login page

We're having a load of problems with an ASP.Net Membership application at the moment. For reasons that aren't relevant, we're using a MembershipProvider implementation that uses the old-style Web.config specified credentials and a RoleProvider that just allows everything (the RolesProvider may be the problem here!). This isn't something...

Custom role provider cache troubleshooting.

Hello, I've written custom role provider, which internally uses web service methods for getting roles or usernames. This provider inherits from System.Web.Security.RoleProvider. In the web.config file I switched on .NET provided caching feature which uses cookies. Here is how looks web.config section for this provider: <system.web> ...

Does it make sense to build a custom AD profile provider?

Hi all, On my current project we are using the active directory as a user repository and using AzMan as the application authorization store. Both of these are cover with the Membership and the Roles providers (plus the AzMan for operations authorization). The only thing missing is getting detailed info about the logged user. I could us...