
Can Excel interpret a cell as HTML?

I'm using Aspose.Cells to build an Excel document programmatically. This works great. One of the cells, though, is a block of raw HTML. I'm wondering if it is possible to tell Excel (in any fashion, including the GUI - you don't need to know the Aspose API) to parse and display a cell as HTML. Right now, it just shows up as the raw HTML ...

Aspose-Cells: How do I evaluate a formula?

Given the following code: using Aspose.Cells // {...} Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); Worksheet virtualWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; virtualWorksheet.Cells[0, 0].Formula ="=1<2"; How do I evaluate the formula in Cell [0,0]? bool isCellTrue = virtualWorksheet.Cells[0, 0].BoolValue; // will generate an exception at run-...