
ATMEGA16 output port

Do you know what's efficent of current in output port? Or does it depends only on your feeder? ...

lcd initialisation

void lcdinit(void) { command1( 0x03 ); command1( 0x03 ); command1( 0x03 ); delay1(20); command1( 0x02 ); //lcd home delay1(10); Command( 0x28 ); delay1(10); Command( 0x08 ); //display of cursor off delay1(10); Command( 0x0C ); //display on and cursor off delay1(10); Command( 0x06 ); //shift cursor right delay1(10...

ADC code in with atmega32

uint read_adc(uchar adc_input) { ADMUX=adc_input | (0x00 & 0xff); delay_us(10); ADCSRA|=0x40; //START THE CONVERSION while ((ADCSRA & 0x10)==0); // wait for the conversion to complete ADCSRA|=0x10; //clear the ADC flag return ADCW; } Q: Whats the meaning of "ADMUX=adc_input | (0x00 & 0xff)" ? which input channel we ha...