
looking for an atomic/journaled page file in java

I am looking for an embeddable library for doing atomic file I/O from java. I need the library to support the following features. basic page management -- allocate/free pages and read/write atomic (all or nothing) writes (basically journaled I/O) A simple binary page format (needs to be readable by C++) It does not need to be that fas...

cl_out_of_resources error in atom_inc/atomic_inc

Hi everyone, i am using atom_inc in one of my kernels. More or less like this: kernel exampleKernel( global volatile int * x, global const int maxX, global const int * buf1, global const int * buf2 ) { if(x < maxX) { int y = atom_inc(x); buf2[y] = buf1[get_global_id(0)]; } } But it gives me an CL_OUT_OF_RE...

Fetch-and-add using OpenMP atomic operations

I’m using OpenMP and need to use the fetch-and-add operation. However, OpenMP doesn’t provide an appropriate directive/call. I’d like to preserve maximum portability, hence I don’t want to rely on compiler intrinsics. Rather, I’m searching for a way to harness OpenMP’s atomic operations to implement this but I’ve hit a dead end. Can thi...