
How to translate "pushl 2000" from AT&T asm to Intel syntax on i386

I'm trying to translate the following from AT&T assembly to Intel assembly: pushl 2000 Now this compiles down to: ff 35 d0 07 00 00 pushl 0x7d0 But no matter what I try, I cannot get the same in Intel synax, I've tried: intel asm disassembly after compiling to at&t push 2000 68 d0 07 00 00 push $0x7d0 push [200...

Java Midlet Deployment

So, I've develop a simple hello world midlet using the Samsung SDK 1.1.2 and I've Packaged the midlet. Now I have two files (a JAR/JAD) combination. How do I get these installed on my phone? As you can tell from the question, I'm new to phone development. Trying to deploy to a Samsung handset on ATT. I'm trying to test out the entire ...

netstat FIN_WAIT1 over 3G

Our company has a mobile app with clients connecting via sockets through AT&T's 3G towers in San Francisco. Lately I've been noticing some sockets never close - FIN_WAIT1 and TIME_WAIT is common. I've even seen sockets open > 24 hours. And of course the client's are not actually in the app as we've not received updates from them. Is...

AT&T inline syntax

can anyone show my the correct AT&T syntax to do what i'm doing below in INTEL i've shown my attempts at AT&T, but they don't compile... unsigned int CheckIfGenuineIntel(void) { unsigned int VendorIdentificationString[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; #if defined( _DO_INTEL_ ) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "xor eax, eax\n\t" "cpu...

AT&T Synaptic Storage as a Service access using Linux

I'm looking for an open source library or project which would offer a filesystem or block device representation for AT&T Synaptic Storage as a Service. I'm looking for something similar to what you have for Amazon S3 : s3backer, s3fs-fuse, s3fs, or FuseOverAmazon. Unfortunatly, I didn't find anything like that for AT&T's storage offeri...

Step-by-step execution for Intel AT&T assembler?

Hello everyone, I'm writing a compiler that converts source code (written in a small imperative programming language) to Intel AT&T 32-bit assembler. I tend to spend a lot of time debugging, because of nasty offset-mistakes etc. in the generated code, and I would like to know if anyone knows of a tool to "walk through" the generated as...

Intel and AT&T assembly syntax highlighting in TextMate

How do I get Intel and AT&T assembly syntax highlighting in TextMate? ...

Can you still test iPhone applications on an iPhone without a cell carrier?

I'm about to start doing some iPhone application development and it's important to me to be able to test my applications on actual devices before I put them on the marketplace. However, I am planning on switching from AT&T to Verizon soon due largely to the cost of my current plan. If I discontinue my AT&T service but keep my iPhone 3G ...

How can I prepend a `SS:` or `ES:` using AT&T Assembly Syntax

How can I prepend a SS: or ES: using AT&T Assembly Syntax without adding in a .byte 0x36 or .byte 0x26? ie. How would I be able to convert mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10], offset foo from Intel syntax to AT&T without using: .byte 0x36 movl $foo, 0x10(%esp) I have tried movl $foo, %ss:0x10(%esp) which assembles without warnings but, ...

c# + Using dynamicmethod with an attribute

[CustomAttribute] public bool IsGreen() { return true; } How could one write the above using a DynamicMethod in c#? UPDATE; per casperOne you cannot do this with a custom attribute. But what about a non-custom attribute such as: [Conditional("DEBUG")] public bool IsGreen() { return true; } Note: I created a new post, beca...

Defining Bytes in GCC Inline Assembly in Dev-C++(.ascii in AT&T syntax on Windows)

Hey guys, The code below is just showing a Message Box on the screen. The addresses are hardcoded to facilitate: int main () { asm("xorl %eax, %eax \n" "xorl %ebx, %ebx \n" "xorl %ecx, %ecx \n" "xorl %edx, %edx \n" "pushl %ecx \n" //$0x0 "pushl $0x20206...

movq assembly function

I was reading some code and was not sure what this line does movq (%rsp), %rsp Thanks ...

iPhone setting voicemail greeting via a web service?

If I am not wrong, iPhone Voicemail Greeting is stored on AT&t voicemail servers. We are planning to design an iPhone app (for NON-JAILBROKEN phones) to upload a music file (.amr format) to set user's voicemail greeting. Is there some kind of webservice or a protocol available to connect to AT&T voice mail server to do so? (iPhone's Pho...