
Why is attachment_fu saving everything at the same size?

I have this Photo class: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base has_attachment :storage => :s3, :content_type => :image, :max_size => 500.kilobytes, :resize_to => '600x600>', :thumbnails => { :thumb => '100x100>', :mid => "300x300>" } validates_as_attachment end ...

ImageMagick, passenger, rails, attachement_fu doesn't resize

Hi guys! So after a couple of months of development today I am finaly deploying! (WOOHOO great day). But i am stuck with a problem I can't seem to fix: First of all in development all is working perfectly. In deployment on my server it isn't though!. I use attachment_fu and i am able to upload pictures but the pictures are not resizing...

Customizing attachment_fu?

I am working with the attachment_fu plugin for my file uploads, while it does some things very well I am finding it very difficult to customize. One of the problems I am having is that the errors messages attachment_fu produces are not very helpful to the end user. For instance, if you do not specify a file to upload you all of these err...

Any way to use attachment_fu with a custom asset server?

I have a rails app using attachment_fu for uploads. Is there any way to use a custom asset server with attachment_fu? In the end, I want all of my file uploads to go to And to pull all resources from there. Any help is appreciated, thanks! ...

attachment_fu save thumbs as png

How do I save a thumbnail as a png using attachment_fu? The code below saves them as a jpeg. has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 6000.kilobytes, :thumbnails => { :thumb => 'crop: 160x112'} Thanks!! Deb ...

attachment_fu rmagick on phusion passenger

Hi, I am getting so much pain with setting up rmagick on Passenger . I’m developing a rails web application that has image processing feature using imagemagick. the image processing feature is working 100% on development using mongrel, but once i deploy it to production which uses phusion passenger I get the error uninitialized constan...

attachment_fu thumbnails rmagick

I have searched the forums up and down and haven't found the solution to the problem I'm facing. I have rmagick and attachment_fu going at it on my application. I can upload files just fine, but I can't generate any thumbnail images. When I look at the db, the width and height it shows null for the original file and thumbnail. When I ...

file upload with attachment_fu in rails.

My file upload is working fine on IE. But it's returning "406 not acceptable" error on firefox. Any solution? ...

attachment_fu image resizing with s3 storage

Hello there, I'm facing a problem right now, where in my company, we want to resize the thumbnail images we have on amazon s3 storage using attachment_fu, I've been investigating how to regenerate this thumbnails and had found some guidelines to do it, however all of them work with local storage. I've found a way, that involves more o...

file upload with attachment_fu.

Right now i am storing files inside public directory in my application. I want to upload file to specific path like I have a login and password for that specific path.;password=test1 How may i store files to specific path outside my application. I need to ...

can rename column size to filesize cause problem in attachment_fu ?

can I rename the columns with attachment_fu ? I am using oracle as my database and size is keyword in oracle. so i don't want to create a column with size name. So is it ok to create a column with filesize instead of size while using attachment_fu ?? ...

Rails : Trouble installing attachement_fu on Heroku

I'm trying to deploy an app on heroku. My trouble is to install hattachement_fu plugin. I ran the following command to install it directly on the server. heroku plugins:install" and I get the following message : Unable to load plugin: some_plugin: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord...

attachment_fu testing in rails 3

I am trying to write specs for a working file upload functionality using attachment_fu. However, the sample code given by the author for testing requires me to require action_controller/test_process so that I have access to ActionController::UploadedStringIO class. I have used this before in rails 2.x but for rails 3, it fails to locate ...

File upload using attachement_fu in rails

Hi, I want to know how to upload files(other than images) using attachement_fu plugin in rails. I successfully uploaded images using attachement_fu, but wasn't able to upload other kinds of files. ...

Rmagick image resizing problem

Hi, I am using attachement_fu plugin with Rmagick image processor for uploading images. Even though I am able to upload images properly there is some problem with the thumbnails. Thumbs are created with same size as original image. Also the height and width of images are saved as null in database. Here is my model. has_attachment :sto...

Validating image dimensions in attachment fu

When the image gets saved, the height and width of the image get saved in the model correctly. I have a requirement where I need to validate the dimensions of the image before save. It has to be of precisely the same dimensions. But when I try to access height or width before save, it gives me nil. Is there any way where I can achieve t...