
Looking to simplify adding an attribute based on sibling's text

I would like to add a Title attribute to a row and the value is retrieved from the row's sibling which is hidden, unless clicked. I wanted to make it generic enough to handle when some screens don't have the hidden row with the text. Here is the first pass that works: $(function() { $("td.commandText pre").each(function(index) { ...

How to enable the libattr frature(abbreviated xattr) in linux?

I want to use xattr in python, but found the xattr's keys() is empty, does that indicate the libattr feature wasn't enabled? I've learned the libattr feature is disabled in ext3/ext4 by default, but how to enable it? Expect your help! Thank you~ >>> import xattr >>> x = xattr.xattr('tiger_8a428_userdvd.dmg') >>> x <xattr file='tiger_8a4...

JQuery issue with query having $ in string

I have an issue with jquery where elements are not found when the query string has '$' char in them -- is there a known issue? Unfortunately search engines make it so hard to searh for symbols in threads. I have an html such as this: <TD id="ctl00$m$g_cd3cd7fd_df51_4f95_9057_d98f0c1e1d60$ctl00$ctl00_5" class="MenuItem" onclick...

How do I use jquery to adjust slideshow captions on the fly?

Hi, I'm still learning jquery and javascript so please bear with me. I've used a tutorial in jquery to create a slideshow using jquery's cycle function. It's great and allows me to rotate individual divs containing an image and a caption. $(document).ready(function() { $('#gallery').cycle({ fx: 'scrollRight', timeout: 5000, ...

How do I check for empty attr() in jquery?

I have a few divs that are created using PHP. The anchor within the div always has a HREF, even if it is blank. Basically, I am trying to detect if the HREF is blank. If it has content, do nothing, if it's blank, strip the text out, delete the anchor, them put the text back in. Here is the div: <div class="title"> <a class="article"...

"queing" non-animating properties: attr

UPDATE: alright so I see that I can just include each attr replacement within the function of the timer. That means I do that five times; once for each graphic. But, is there a cleaner way to do this? Thanks ok, so I have five different images I want to replace the src for. However, I want each one sequential.. replace the first, then t...

jQuery - Getting the title from an image and putting it on a seperate a tag (each)

$(function () { var ptitle = $('div.portfolioItem div.image img').attr("title"); $(this).each(function () { $('').attr({ 'title': '' + ptitle + '' }); }); }); Well there's my code, it works but I'm not really familiar with the each tag. All this does currently is applies the first 'ptitle'...