
Sharepoint: How to add audience filter to custom control?

In MOSS 2007 I want to add a custom control to the global link section of a master page and have it only visible to a particular audience. The audience are the members of an active directory group who have logged in via SSL and need to be given a link which will log them out. How can I filter a custom control so that only these users w...

Set "Target Audiences" field with multiple values on a List Item

I am attempting to set the "Target Audiences" field on a list item programmatically. I have been able to set the value programmatically for one audience, but when I attempt to use multiple audiences, SharePoint tries to interpret the value I am setting as a single audience, rather than multiple. I am setting the value using the code be...

FBA and audience targeting in sharepoint 2007

I want to use audience targeting feature for webpart with FBA. I tried to add FBA user directly in sharepoint group or added the user to a role and then added the role to sharepoint group, but both failed. My observation is that all FBA users can see the webpart content no matter whether they are specified in audience targeting o...

Sharepoint global audience does not contain members

I am using FBA for my Sharepoint 2007 publishing site. I write code to add user profile for FBA users (providername:username) and create custom properties. Then at SSP I create a new global audience with property-based rules to target my users. After compiling the audience, I found no member in the audience. I do not use AD at all and n...

SharePoint 2007 - editing Global Audiences

This is a ridiculous question and I hate myself for having to ask. I have an issue that some users from AD are not able to see some secure sections of a share-point site. the webpart is filtered by a 'global audience' list. where do I need to go on share point 2007 to be able to see and amend this group information. I have full admin r...