I want to make a web request to a page that needs authenticating. How would I go about doing this? I found something that said possibly to use the Credentials property, but I'm not sure how to use it.
I have read the other posts, but could find my answer.
I'm trying to connect to a webservice.
I'm not using the proxy generated app.config file, since I have diffrent servers where the webservice is on.
foreach (var item in list)
var binding = new WSHttpBinding();
var endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(item.ServiceURL);
We're building some core services in .Net 3.5 and exposing the services via WCF. The services will only be accessed internally (i.e. within the intranet). The services just need to authenticate the calling user's windows credentials and get their AD/functional groups.
The serives need to be exposed using NetTcpBinding and BasicHtt...
Might be the same issue as this previuos question: WCF Proxy but not sure...
I have an HTTPS service connfigured to use transport security and, I hope, Windows credentials. The service is only accessed internally (i.e. within the intranet). The configuration is as follows:
Hi all,
Our web application uses Windows Integrated Authentication (aka NTLM Auth) for security.
It's working fine for both IE and Firefox users, but Safari users are seeing intermittent problems. Browsing the site will work fine, but every once in a while there will be problems loading elements of a page (e.g. CSS or JS files). Relo...
Is it possible to set fine-grained permissions using either Apache or nginx? Given a large number of files and a large number of users, what's a good way to specify that each authenticated user only has access his/her own files?
user_a can access file_a_1, file_a_2
user_b can access file_b_1
user_c can access file_c_1, file_c2, file_c3,...
This question has always troubled me.
On Linux, when asked for a password, if your input is the correct one, it checks right away, with almost no delay. But, on the other hand, if you type the wrong password, it takes longer to check. Why is that?
I observed this in all Linux distributions I've ever tried.
Is there any way (apart from HTTP authentication, which I gather is inherently insecure over the Internet?) for a "real life" website to handle logins and authentication rather than the traditional way, using session cookies?
One of the requirements proposed for an ASP.NET application is that we have Session state disabled globally. (This is not negotiable.)
Another requirement is that we have some means for user authentication. I'm thinking of using ASP.NET's membership provider model.
Is it possible to have user authentication without Session State?
The ...
Hi there.
I'm still new to rails and testing with rspec, so hopefully you can help me.
I have a controller which requires login. I use the restful authentication function of rails.
To create things in tests I'm using the factory framework factorygirl.
Ok the problem is the following:
I want to test a controller (authentication requ...
I'm writing a java web application which need to perform login through a webservice. Of course, none of the realms supplied with the application server I'm using (glassfish v2) can do the trick. I therefore had to write my own. It seems however, that the realm implementation that I wrote is completely tied to glassfish and cannot...
I'm writing a java application which needs to perform an unusual login procedure. One of my problems is that the user needs to supply more than a simple username/password combination. Specifically, a username/password/domain combination is required.
Another problem is that my application enforces some password lifetime rules (eg...
We am using authlogic for my user authentication.It works on other machines but i am getting the error
Extracted source (around line #20):
7: <%= link_to "Home", "/", :title => 'Home', :class => 'header-logo' %>
20: <span style="padding-left:850px;"> <% if current_user %>
21: <%= link_to "My Accoun...
Whats is the python urllib equivallent of
curl -u username:password status="abcd" http://example.com/update.json
I did this:
handle = urllib2.Request(url)
authheader = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))
handle.add_header("Authorization", authheader)
Is there a better / simpler way?
I'm using django and jquery to implement authenticated sessions and Ajax requests.
I have authenticated session timeouts to log authenticated users out after a long period of inactivity on my site. Some of the pages on my site have a lot of AJAX calls in them that require the user to be in an authenticated session. When a user leaves ...
I want basic authentication for a very minimal site, all I personally need is a single superuser. While hard-coding a password and username in one of my source files is awfully tempting, especially since I'm hosting the site on my own server, I feel I'm breaking the law of the internets and I should just use a database (I'm using sqlite ...
I am working on an automated backup script. This script needs to download an HTTP resource using a username and password. At the moment, the auth credentials are in cleartext, which is obviously not ideal from a security point of view. I recently discovered the security utility on OS X after reading this blog post. security gives you key...
I need to set up a proxy with authentication to verify the behavior of an application that connects to the internet.
I am trying to set-up an Apache installation with forward proxy and authentication, and even though I am close to make it work, I wonder if there is maybe a better way, as the configuration is fairly esoteric.
How can Ap...
I am working on a project for a property management company. There is the back end system that stores all of the tenants and property portfolios, and a front end website that allows users to view their packages, service requests etc.
I need to write a windows service that pulls their information out of the back end and place it into th...
I have this code and am using VS 2005 - works nicely - however, if I try it using VS 2008, doesn't work. Any ideas?
connectionString="LDAP://kingletvm.creighton.edu/DC=blue,DC=jays,DC=creighton,DC=edu" />
<membership defaultProv...