
Authlogic and conditional validation

Hi, is there any possibility to perform conditional validation in authlogic's model User, that uses validation inside acts_as_authentic block depending on some conditions? I'm trying to implement multistep registration form, described in Ryan Bates's railscast 217 with authlogic. ...

How to make Authlogic sessions work for all subdomains

When a user logs into my site at, I want him to be logged in when he visits How can I accomplish this? (I'm using subdomain-fu if relevant) ...

How can I get authlogic to use the Rails session instead of its own cookie?

I would like authogic to never set a user_credentials cookie, and only use the standard Rails session cookie. I see Session is included in Authlogic::Session::Session::Base after Cookies. If I log into my app and then delete the user_credentials cookie, I still stay logged in. So apparently authlogic is storing the credentials in both p...

Authlogic and RSpec, errors only running all examples

I have a Profiles Controller that acts_as_authentic with AuthLogic and I am trying to test this action: class ProfilesController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_user, :except => ['new', 'create'] def index redirect_to(current_user) end end The following example is in a spec file with 18 other pending examples...

How Ruby's authlogic is compared to Python's repoze.what/who library?

I am trying to understand architecture of authlogic and repoze.what/who libraries but I could get the first level architectural definition. repoze packages seems to use the zope modules at some level.. Are there any equivalent or easier authentication framework like authlogic available in python? (I do not use Django.. I use Pylons) A...

Set Authlogic validate_login_field to false on user update

We have a current database of users who can have any symbol in their username. We have started using authlogic for authentication. So, any current users updating any of their information fail validations because their login has unaccepted characters. We want to prevent new users signing up from using symbols not accepted by authlogic, ...

Authlogic: How to find if a user was not logged in because the user was not logged in.

I am using authlogic with rails application for authentication. The perishable token is reset after the user resets his password. Consider this case. A user signs up, he forgets to activate the account and he also forgets the passwords. So he resets the password. Due to this his activation link no longer remains valid. So he cannot activ...

logout_path undefined for RoR site with authlogic

Where is logout_path defined in the authlogic library for rails? More generally, where are any of these paths defined? I'm a bit mystified how rails 'knows' where these are because I searched my entire project and didn't see any matches, including the vendor folder, which means that they're either packaged in a gem (maybe the authlogic...

infinite loop in authlogic rails app

I have a rails app with authlogic and facebook. Shortly after the first time I logged into facebook, all of my pages stopped responding and logs show Processing UserSessionsController#new (for [IP ADDRESS] at 2010-07-08 00:32:31) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"user_sessions"} SystemStackError (stack level too dee...

HTTP Basic Authentication with Authlogic

I'm trying to get http basic authentication working on my rails app. I am running the app with nginx and passenger. I have the authlogic gem working and my authentication works. I have even used the single_access_token successfully. For some reason though, I am not able to authenticate using http basic authentication. As I understand, I ...

rails: authlogic passing a session parameter to UserSession.find

I'm passing the user session via a parameter (params['session_key']) for one controller (it's a flash upload script so I have to pass it via a param). I don't know how to access the user session with authlogic by using the raw param string. Normally I do this: @current_user_session = UserSession.find I thought I could do this: @cur...

Authlogic+OpenID- UserSession returns "not match any users" error

Hi, I'm working on OpenID authentication in my Rails app. Because Authlogic seems to be received well by the community, I gave it a try. I got to the point where I can register a new user with an OpenID URL. However, when I tried logging in with the URL I signed up with, I keep receiving a message: "Openid identifier did not match ...

authlogic flash[:notice] does not show up in cucumber webrat step

Hi, I am running BDD steps with cucumber to implement my autlogic login behavior. Scenario: log in Given a registered user: "[email protected]" with password: "p@ssword" exists And I am on the homepage When I follow "Log in" And I fill in "Username" with "[email protected]" And I fill in "Password" with "p@ssword" And I open the page And I pre...

Tell AuthLogic to not use a password confirmation

I have this view: new.html.haml %h1 New account - form_for @user do |f| = f.error_messages = render :partial => "form", :object => f = f.submit "Create account" _form.html.haml = form.label :email = form.text_field :email %br/ = form.label :password, form.object.new_record? ? nil : "Change password" = form.password_field :pas...

Problem with forgot password and authlogic

Hey all I'm having a few problems with the forgot password system from this tutorial. My application uses Authlogic for the authentication system and it works perfectly for user login/logout and registrations. However after I followed that tutorial to the letter (password_reset controller renamed to 'reset' and I used my own existing m...

Using Cucumber with Authlogic

I recently upgraded cucumber to version 0.8.5, but I'm getting some unexpected errors with Authlogic. As a precursor to many of my user interface tests I have a default 'Given I am logged in' method that logs a user in through the standard login interface and asserts that they were redirected to the home page. Prior to upgrading cucumber...

open id is not returning with email when using with authlogic

it still shows it as an empty field ...

rails hosting question

I am in the process of hosting my first rails app and I would like to not open it up to the public until I am done with all production work, which might take a few weeks, but I would like to expose it to friends/beta testers. I use authlogic for authentication but I don't even want anybody to go that point, I would like to set up some fo...

Authlogic performance? - Any request with SELECT *

Hi @ all I have a little performance issue with Authlogic - I dealed with them over days... and i can't figure out! The Problem is: I use the standard-Authlogic installation with following code in the application_controler to get the current_user (and to persits the session): def current_user_session return @current_user_session if ...

Controller tests with authlogic expecting user_sessions table

I'm using Authlogic (along with Authlogic RPX) in a new Rails 3 application (beta4 , just upgraded to RC). I cannot get any of my functional tests to pass. Anytime I try to run even the most rudimentary test, I end up with this error: 4) Error: test_the_truth(UsersControllerTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQ...