
Is it possible to override the default behavior of [Authorize] in ASP.NET MVC?

Hello, I wondered if/how I can override the default [Authorize] behavior in ASP.NET MVC. I know that I can create a new Action Filter, make my own attribute and so forth; I am merely interested if I can simply change the [Authorize] behavior and replace its workings with my own code? Edit: Guys and Girls. I appreciate your input but as...

ASP.NET MVC check role for user other then current

I have scenario: There is an employee which is in role TeamDirector. There is another one which is normal employee. Team Director is sick so he use our app to set that normal employee has all rights of TeamDirector. This information is stored in DB. In our app I use Authorize att to check access to particular controller methods. I wrote...

How to have Global Authorization in mvc.

I have been looking around but i don't see any spec for this, maybe i search a wrong keyword. But i'm here so i should ask something.. :) I'm familiar with Authorize Attribute, but I think it only apply to Actions. What should i do if i want my whole application to authorize first before getting access to any actions? It will be very p...

AuthorizeAttribute extension for .net MVC...two problems/questions

my first question is, where do I put this custom extension so that it can be called rather than the default AuthorizeAttribute? I currently have created a new project that contains all of my business logic within my MVC solution. I have a .cs file within my logic project that contains all of my security classes. I tried adding an exte...

Adding to ViewData[] collection from AuthorizeAttribute Extension

I wrote an extension class to customize my AuthorizeAttribute for my action methods and I'd like to be able to inject messages into my view when a certain condition is met. I"m using the below code to load up a shared view when a user is not authorized but it's not adding my message to my ViewData collection. Any ideas? public overrid...

custom AuthorizeAttribute + custom SiteMapProvider related?

I have a custom SiteMapProvider (populated from database) and a custom AuthorizeAttribute (validates current users roles + requested page against Role_Page database) for controller classes. I have to implement the function SiteMapProvider.IsAccessibleToUser(context, node). I also have to implement AuthorizeAttribute.AuthorizeCore(contex...

ASP.NET MVC - Entending the Authorize Attribute

Hi folks, currently I use [Authorize(Roles = ".....")] to secure my controller actions on my ASP.NET MVC 1 app, and this works fine. However, certain search views need to have buttons that route to these actions that need to be enabled/disabled based on the record selected on the search list, and also the security privs of the user logg...

Display action-specific authorisation message for [Authorize] attribute

Is there a way to display an action-specific authorisation message for when an [Authorize] or [Authorize(Roles="Administrator")] attribute redirects the user to the sign-in page? Ideally, [Authorize(Roles="Administrator", Message="I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't let you do that.")] public ActionResult SomeAdminFunction() { // do...

How to use Custom AuthorizeAttribute for controller utilizing parameter value?

I am trying to secure a controller action to prevent a user from accessing an Entity that they do not have access to. I am able to do this with the following code. public ActionResult Entity(string entityCode) { if (CurrentUser.VerifyEntityPermission(entityCode)) { //populate viewModel... ...

ASP.NET MVC AuthorizeAttribute passing values to ActionMethod?

Hi everyone I'm only a newcomer to ASP.NET MVC and am not sure how to achieve a certain task the "right way". Essentially, I store the logged in userId in HttpContext.User.Identity and have written an EnhancedAuthorizeAttribute to perform some custom authorization. In the overriden OnAuthorization method, my domain model hits the data...

ASP.NET MVC: How to find Controllers with [Authorize] attributes using Reflection in C#? (or How to build Dynamic Site.Master Menus?)

Maybe I should back-up and widen the scope before diving into the title question... I'm currently writing a web app in ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (although I do have MVC 2.0 installed on my PC, so I'm not exactly restricted to 1.0) -- I've started with the standard MVC project which has your basic "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC" and shows both the [Home]...

Using LINQ and Reflection: How to query for all Classes with [Authorize] Attribute in my Assembly?

Currently, I'm trying to identify which "Controller" classes in my assembly have the [Authorize] attribute associated with them using Reflection and LINQ. const bool allInherited = true; var myAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var controllerList = from type in myAssembly.GetTypes() where ...

If current user isn't in role required by [Authorize], can I automatically redirect them?

In the ASP.NET MVC site I am building, I have some methods where the users who use them have to be in a certain role (as it happens, if they're not, it means that they're suspended from the site). To accomplish this, I'm using the [Authorize(Roles="RoleName")] attribute without any difficulties. However, I don't quite understand what ha...

Authorize filters vs Action Filters

Hello, i m using .NET mvc2 for my application. i want some custom authorization on my actions. i have googled a bit and there seems to be two options available. Impelement logic in onActionExecuting in custom Action Filter see this post subclass authorizeattribute or implement Iauthorization interface and put my logic there My quest...

ASP.NET MVC Beta Authorize attribute sends me to wrong action

Today I started playing with the MVC 3 Beta. Started with an application from default MVC 3 template, added a new action in the Home controller as follows(with a view for it) [Authorize] public ActionResult Secured() { ViewModel.Message = "This is secured area, only authenticated users should be here."; return View(); } Now wh...