
Calling an Ajax-enabled WCF Application from AutoCompleteExtender

I'm trying to use a WCF service to fulfill MS Ajax AutoCompleteExtender completion list. I tried two alternatives. If I add a WCF service in my website project, AutoCompleteExtender calls it thriugh POST and it works fine. Then I decided to make a separate WCF Application and add my AJAX-enabled WCF service to new application. I also c...

AutoCompleteExtender shows long numeric values in scientific notation

Hi everyone! I'm having an issue with ajaxToolkit:AutoCompleteExtender in ASP.NET. When an item is numeric and longer than 17 digits, it's shown in scientific notation. Does anyone know how to solve this? I googled it for a while and couldn't find anything. Thanks! ...

ASP.NET AJAX AutoComplete Extender Scrolling Issue

I was looking at the ASP.NET AJAX AutoComplete Extender sample on Once the items are populated in the list the scrolling doesn't seem to work in IE8 but it works in IE7. How can I make the scrolling work in IE8? ... using AutoCompleteExtender

I want to use AutoCompleteExtender with textbox to auto complete user's entry from mysql database. but the problem when I run the code and enter a litter should call the webservice method but the problem that the service method return nothing here is my code so please advice me. <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> ...

Associate Key-Value pair with textBox autoComplete extender

How do I associate a Key-Value pair with textBox autoComplete extender in a way similar to a dropdownlist? It is preferred that value will not be visible to user. ...

Why is AutoCompleteExtender not firing?

Hi, I have some issue with the ASP AutoCompleteExtender control. I got one in my page that is working fine, but I have put another one in the same page, and I can't get it to work. Using HTTP Analyzer, no query is fired when I type into the textbox associated with it. Has anyone an idea? Both call the same webservice, with a different ...

Ajax Autocompleteextender not showing the autocompletelist to choose

i was working ajax auto completeextender witha text box in and i am not able to get list to choose ,i have the appropriate web service method called..can anyone guide me to get the automo complete done. <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:...

disable browser autocomplete for ajax:AutoCompleteExtender

I'm using the .net ajaxtoolkit control AutoCompleteExtender. It works great but my firefox autocomplete overrides the values that the extender is returning (the firefox one lays on top of the control's). is there a way to disable the browser's version of autocomplete so that the .net one takes precendence? ...

AutoComplete and VS2010 Internal WebDevServer caching ?

Ok this is a simple setup: DB has a view with personnel who have not been added to the system. The AutoComplete dynamically lists a numeric column field from the view. (Using Linq2SQL) (with autotracking off) Once this number is consumed - a refresh is done on the sqlserver's view. The Problem: This number still shows up in the Autoc...

AutoCompleteExtender positioning menu incorrectly when scrolled

We have an AutoCompleteExtender linked to a TextBox. Both controls are placed inside an UpdatePanel, and the UpdatePanel is displayed as a pop-up dialog using a Javascript library (Ext.BasicDialog). The pop-up is a div on the page, not a separate window. The problem is that when the user scrolls inside the pop-up, the AutoCompleteExten...

Autocomplete extender 'extended' across entire data table.

Hello all I have a request to create an auto complete that will search an data table. Is this achieveable quickly and simply or is it a case of writing a reasonable amount of code? Originally, I have been using a webservice and linq to point at a single column's worth of data (IDDesc) and pull back the list of products: Product.FinalP...

AutoCompleteExtender not working

Hi, following is the code i am using and it is not working. <asp:TextBox ID="txtWarrantNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <AjaxCtrl:AutoCompleteExtender ID="acWarrantNumber" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtWarrantNumber" ServiceMethod="GetWarrantNumber" ShowOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem="true...

Ajax autocomple extender from a database

I want to create a textbox (for entering names) in my aspx application which suggests names of Employees from database. I am pasting my code below. I am using Mysql Default.aspx: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <%@ Register assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxC...

AutoCompleteExtender ajax in ,

Hi I am using the AutoCompleteExtender ajax control. I am getting the list of strings in LIST collection. I want to populate only those strings, which user typing as prefix text. how to do this. I am following the example given in ajax toolkit.let say user typing "ca" then if list contain the list like, 'cat', 'dog', donkey', 'mouse','ca...

AutoCompleteExtender not working for WebService hosted on IIS 7

I have a web service project with a Class having web method which works fine when browsed. I have hosted this web service on IIS 7. The problem I'm facing is that when I use this URL as the value of ServiceMethod property of AutoCompleteExtender it doesn't work but when I add this Class file in my UI project and just give the Class name...

Using AutoCompleteExtender advice

I have an AutoCompleteExtender in my ASP.NET which works great so far. I have a few little niggles I'd like to sort out though: 1: Is there a way I can limit the user to only being able to select an item from the list, and not use their own text? So they can't search for something that isn't autocompleted. 2: Is there a way to always h...

Using AutoCompleteExtender - detecting when wrong result is searched for

I have an issue with my webpage which although relatively small needs to be fixed asap. The user can search accounts on the page in either of 2 boxes - a simple ID search, or a text autocompleteextneder. When either of the fields are searched, the page posts back and displays the customers details. I have an issue where that if they ent...

Reset HiddenField if AutoCompleteExtender returns no results

Hi i need to be able to reset a HiddenField's value if my AutoCompleteExtender returns no results (specifically, if the user searches for something that's not in the list/database). I have this JS code now: function autoCompleteItemSelected(source, eventArgs) { var assocHiddenField = document.getElementById(source.get_id() + '_hidde...

AutoCompleteExtender issues

Hi all, I'm using an AutoCompleteExtender in ASP.NET/C# to retrieve data from my database, along with the primary key of the field. When a name is chosen, the details (name/pk) are retrieved even before clicking submit, and it then passes these onto a hidden field. The issue I have is that if the user types in an incorrect name, the pk ...