
ASP.NET MVC AutoEventWireup required?

Hi Folks, when i create an aspx page, the header includes something like this:- <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Create.aspx.cs" Inherits="My.Mvc.Views.Blah" %> With ASP.NET MVC apps, do we: need to include this AutoEventWireUp attribute?...

AutoEventWireup and base.OnLoad(e) Calling Self resulting in Stack Overflow

Using VS2008, C#. When AutoEventWireup is set to true and in a webform I call base.OnLoad(e) like protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); } The base.OnLoad(e) ends up calling Page_Load (calls itself). This ends up with a stack overflow error. I've been able to solve it by setting AutoEventWireup to...

Asp.Net AutoEventWireup - what is it doing code wise

Hi, I've been digging thru the Page, TemplateControl and Control classes in reflector trying to figure out where AutoEventWireUp property is actually getting used. I've failed miserably. My understanding of AutoEventWireUp is sketchy but I think it casues event handler methods to be automatically wired up to events? So I thought I'd se...

What does AutoEventWireUp page property mean?

Hi guys, I am rather new to ASP.NET and I can not understand what AutoEventWireUp page property is responsible for. While serfing on the net, I have found a lot of forums discussions about that and they all seem discrepant to me. Can you please explain cleanly what this property means exactly? I do not understand even this article suppor...

AutoEventWireup false on a page with many controls (C#)

Using C#, there is a web form with many controls where the AutoEventWireup is set to false. This forces you to initialize the handlers that you need in the ctor or by overriding OnInit. What about the handling needed for the controls on the page? Adding button Click's, and SelectedIndexChanged's for dropdowns and listboxes, not to many ...

Manually adding page event handlers in ASP.Net C#

When I've built applications in the past I've used AutoEventWireup to handle the page events for me. From what I've read this incurs a significant performance cost and I'd like to do it manually in my current application. What is the correct place to set up the event handlers? My initial thought was to just set up a constructor in my c...

Where is the event handlers wired up when using AutoEventWireup ?

I am trying to track down a bug in a web application, that seems to relate to AutoEventWireup being used. When and how is the events wired up when using AutoEventWireup ? I know that it happens runtime, but exactly in which framework class/method ? (I am hoping that I will be able to step through the framework code). ...