
Using AppleScript to hide Keynote Text Fields in A Slide

I am no AppleScript Jedi, I've only done a few simple things, but I haven't been able to figure this one out and could use some help: My wife uses slides for her Art History courses and would like to use the same slides for exams (sans identifying names). Rather than create a new presentation, I'd like a tool that iterates through the s...

How to programmatically generate a PDF from any document on OSX?

I'm working on a project for OSX where the user can pick a collection of documents (from any application) which I need to generate PDF's from. The standard Macintosh Print dialog has a PDF button which has a number of PDF-related commands including "Save as PDF...". However, I need to generate the PDF file without requiring user interac...

Webkit/Safari/Firefox/API: Can I programmatically read/extract multiple tabs' URLs?

Topic: Programmatically manipulate web browser in OS X 10.4.x+ Tiger/Leopard. Subjects: Webkit, Safari, Firefox, APIs, Applescript, Automator, Javascript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, OS X, Tiger Goal: Collect/Read/Extract URLs from Safari into text (Ruby on Rails code) file. Note: A solution that uses FF would be very appreciated, too. I use Sa...

Automator action to create Keynote presentation from text file

Newbie here. Thanks for looking. I need to import a text file (consisting of subtitles) into a Keynote presentation. I need to turn each subtitle into a single slide, interspersed with blank (black) slides. I'd like to create an Automator action in order to do this. I think the way to do this is to filter paragraphs ending in two line ...

Apple automator video tutorials

Hello guys ! Where can I find some Automator video tutorials ? Thanks ...

AppleScript: adding mounted folder to Finder Sidebar?

I have a simple Apple Script that mounts a folder: mount volume smb://machineip/folder This runs on start up since Mac OS X 10.5.5 doesn't have the concept of mapped drives like Windows. The script doesn't go as far as I'd like though. I get the machine IP added to Finder Sidebar and when I click it, all of the shared folders for th...

Counting number of loops in automator

Does anyone know of a way to keep track of the number of times a loop as executed in automatator? ...

Apple Automater URL selection,

I want to search a website, say google, and open the search result weblinks. In Automator you just start by opining the search site witch the parameter in the url. Than you get all the links from this site and then you sort them. BUT i never could find out HOW you stop after say the first 10 links. Cause there are sometimes 500 links and...

Speed up workflow with Automator

I noticed that every time that I restart my computer I have to do the following tasks: open Terminal type 'cd sites/mysite' open another tab in Terminal type 'cd sites/mysite' type 'script/server --debugger' open Safari go to 'http://localhost:3000/' open TextMate Open -> mysite Is it possible to automatize this process using Automat...

reduce the number of colours used for PNG image with Automator/Applescript

I want to convert scanned text (black & white) to a PNG image with a colour depth of 1 bit. With Image Events it is possible to convert the scanned image. But "bit depth" is read only. Is there a better way to set the colour depth of a PNG image than to call the shell and use ImageMagick? Thanks ...

Snow Leopard Services: targeting all files

Here's the available targets for Snow Leopard services in automator. I want my service to operate on all files. It would sort of work to choose "files or folders" and ignore the action if the input is a folder, but that means the service will appear when right clicking folders too, which isn't very elegant. ...

How do I execute a PHP shell script as an Automator action on Mac OS X

Hi, I'm tempted by's ability to create contextual services in Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I would like to create some keyboard accessible shortcuts to manipulate text snippets by calling a shell script. However, Automator only suggests bash, Perl, Python and Ruby (among others) to allow this. But, since PHP also ships with Mac ...

Access file name in Automator from Folder Action

I'm trying to create a simple Automator workflow that will prompt me for where to move and rename a PDF when I download one from the web. I want to use this for downloading my monthly financial statements. I'm getting stuck at what I thought would be a simple problem: passing the name of the new file(s) from the Folder Action into the A...

Automator script to rename files on Mac OS X

Is there an easy way to use Automator on OS X to replace spaces in filenames with underscores? ...

Using apple's Automator to pass filenames to a shell script.

I have an automator script that I'd like to run on a folder. I want the script to take each file in the folder and run my shell command on it. Automator is set to pass input to stdin, but I don't think I'm using stdin correctly below, can you help please? for f in "$@" do java -Xmx1000m -jar /Users/myprog/myprog.jar $f done ...

Using Third-Party Modules with Python in an Automator Service

I have installed Py-Appscript on my machine and it can be used with the Python installation at /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python. I am trying to use this installation of Py-Appscript with an Automator service. To do this, I use the Run Shell Script action and then set the Shell to usr/bin/python (which is ...

AppleScript or Automator to click on menus in an application?

Hi, I'm not sure if this is do-able via AppleScript and/or Automator…but I'd like to be able to: a) launch an application (I know this can be done pretty easily by AppleScript or Automator) b) once the application is launched, use AppleScript or Automator to select specific menu items. e.g. I'd like to launch Excel 2008 (I have the ...

How can I write an Automator action in bash with files and folders as arguments?

When I create a Automator action in XCode using Bash, all files and folder paths are printed to stdin. How do I get the content of those files? Whatever I try, I only get the filename in the output. If I just select "Run shell script" I can select if I want everything to stdin or as arguments. Can this be done for an XCode project to? ...

How to use Automator to bring window to front?

I'm using a Mac, OSX 10.6 and I have a function in a desktop application that I want to automate. Manually I press Command+R wait for the application to read some data form a physical device for 1 minute, then press command+R again to take another reading (at this point it asks me if I want to save the data, so I press tab, tab and th...

Copying and pasting between two separate programs using Automator in Mac OS X

Ok, so I have an excel spreadsheet that contains data that I would like to copy directly into an SQLite db using Menial Base, a db editor. I have tried a number of different methods such as trying to convert from .csv and .txt extensions, and nothing is working the way I need it to, so I am now resorting to Automator. From what I underst...