
iPhone video capture (best method)

Hi all, I am curious about the new APIs for iPhone iOS: AVCapture... Does this include a documented way to grab a screenshot of the camera preview? The doc seems a bit confusing to me, and since it is out of NDA now, I thought I would post my question here. Many thanks, Brett ...

AVCaptureMovieFileOutput doesn't respond to minFreeDiskSpaceLimit

After setting the minFreeDiskSpaceLimit property of an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput the delegate should call the captureOutput:didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL:fromConnections:error: method if the disk space is less then the value specified in minFreeDiskSpaceLimit, but it doesn't. The delegate calls correctly the method only if I call th...

AVCapture appendSampleBuffer

Hello all, I am going insane with this one - have looked everywhere and tried anything and everything I can thinks of. Am making an iPhone app that uses AVFoundation - specifically AVCapture to capture video using the iPhone camera. I need to have a custom image that is overlayed on the video feed included in the recording. So far I ...