
Change Backlight Brightness on iPhone Programmatically

Does the SDK provide any way to change the brightness of the backlight, or turn it off temporarily? ...

J2ME backlight

Hi. Is there any reliable way to support back-light in J2ME on multitude of models, other then pre-processing? Is there any library available that may handle the back-light for various phones out there? Regards. ...

Changing Backlight Level, iPhone

Hello all, I searched around for a way to set the backlight level within an app on the iPhone. I found a solution here: The problem I have is, when I add this to my app I get an error and a warning. My code is as follows: #include "GraphicsServices.h" - (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)an...

Restore Backlight To Previous Level, iPhone

Hi there, I was working on my app recently and wanted to change the brightness of the backlight. I then wanted to restore the backlight level to it's original setting on exiting the app. Here is the code: #include "GraphicsServices.h" - (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { NSNumber* bl = (NSNumber*) CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(CFSTR(...

API for Asus 1005pe control backlight programmably?

I'm using VS2008, my OS is Win7. I tried WinAPI IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_SUPPORTED_BRIGHTNESS on my netbook. I can retrive a correct the LCD handle, but DeviceIoControl returns 0. I haven't found any APIs for GMA 3150 either. ...

Windows: How to change monitor's backlight brightness

Ever since I've been using an external monitor with my laptop, when I need to change the backlight brightness I have to press the monitor's buttons to navigate through its menu and adjust the brightness. That is really a pain. It's too many button presses! When I was using my laptop's integrated monitor, that was as simple as presing the...

Can I prevent screen timeout on Windows Phone 7?

In the CE based Windows Mobile you could prevent the screen back-light from timing out using the SetPowerRequirement and ReleasePowerRequirement API's like so: IntPtr handle = SetPowerRequirement("BKL1:", PowerState.FULL, 1, IntPtr.Zero, 0); // screen won't timeout while you do stuff in here ReleasePowerREquirement(handle); Is a simil...