
How to get bash to insert ' in the output

Hi everybody, I'm rather new to bash, and somehow just haven't found out what I'm doing wrong here: (this is a small bash script calling my generator) if [ -n $folder ]; then $zorbalocation -q $generator -f -e files=\"$lFiles\" -e folder=\"lFolder\" else $zorbalocation -q $generator -f -e files=\"$lFiles\" -e fo...

How to use a variable in an awk expression

I'm trying to make this command: sed bla bla filename | awk '{printf "%s %s_entry_%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f",$1,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7}' But the thing is, i want the %.3f part to be variable. So in one case it could be %.3f and in another it could be %.3f %.3f %.3f. So i'll just use a static one in my example code for clarity. So if i want 4 of the...

What is the difference between operator "=" and "==" in Bash ?

It seems that these two operators are pretty much the same - is there a difference? When should I use = and when ==? ...

Alternative to udev functionality on OSX

I'm trying to create a custom file/check in check out script for external hardrives, however part of the script is from a Linux machine, which I have tested works fine, but uses udevinfo, OS X doesn't have udev, so is there anything that offers the same functionality? #!/bin/bash declare -a EXTERNAL_DISKS declare -a INTERNAL_DISKS for ...

May I define aliases elsewhere than into .bashrc ?

We are several persons using the same login id on Linux Box. I want to define my own aliases without interfering with anyone. In the .bashrc, I define a alias to my bash file defining my own aliases. alias luc=/full/path/to/my/ The file /full/path/to/my/ contains #!/bin/bash echo "" echo "Defining Lu...

Executing / Running a python script from ubuntu server

Can anybody help me how to run a python script through command line? My python script I am using this command /var/www/ /var/www/Muha_Album.7912.torrent I have copied dependency file mentioned in article link above. When I execute the...

Bash variable kills script execution

Sorry if this is better suited at serverfault, but I think it learns more towards the programming side of things. I have some code that's going into /etc/rc.local to detect what type of touch screen monitor is plugged in and changes out the xorg.conf before launching X. Here is a small snippet: CURRENT_MONITOR=`ls /dev/usb | grep 'egal...

Split a line of text in bash using SOH delimiter

How do I split a line of text in bash using SOH delimiter? ...

How can I extract text from between two delimiters on a line in bash?

What is a regex I can write in bash for parsing a line and extracting text that can be found between two | (so that would be ex: 1: |hey| 2: |boy|) and keeping those words in some sort of array? ...

Bash Shell; read command; using Cygwin on Windows 7

Okay so I am having this problem. I write up a script to be run in cygwin on Windows. I've tried a bunch of basic example scripts in case it was my scripts problem. So I tried this: #!/bin/bash echo -e "Enter your name and press [ENTER]: \c" read var_name echo "Your name is: $var_name" Then I will run it and I enter a name for var_n...

how to find perl has installed in a system

I have written a perl script , I just want to give it to every one , for that I planned to write a bash script which is used to test the environment of a user and find whether that environment is capable of running the perl script. I want to test the things like Whether perl has installed in that system Perl should have the vers...

Sourcing a script file in bash before starting an executable

Hi, I'm trying to write a bash script that "wraps" whatever the user wants to invoke (and its parameters) sourcing a fixed file just before actually invoking it. To clarify: I have a "ConfigureMyEnvironment.bash" script that must be sourced before starting certain executables, so I'd like to have a "LaunchInMyEnvironment.bash" script th...

How to call bash process from within django / wsgi?

I'm using mod_wsgi apache2 adapter for a django site and I like to call some bash process within a view, using the usual ... p = subprocess.Popen("/home/", shell=True) sts = os.waitpid(, 0)[1] ... This code works perfectly from within a usual python shell but does nothing (I can trace right now) when ...

Check if a program exists in bash

I am trying to check if md5sum or digest exists on solaris and script is used on different machines. Here is the function in sh script which is called from a ksh script getMD5cmd () { PATH="${PATH}:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin/bin" if type -p md5sum;then MD5CMD=`type -p md5sum` elif type -p di...

Can I have a shell alias evaluate a history substitution command?

I'm trying to write an alias for cd !!:1, which takes the 2nd word of the previous command, and changes to the directory of that name. For instance, if I type rails new_project cd !!:1 the second line will cd into the "new_project" directory. Since !!:1 is awkward to type (even though it's short, it requires three SHIFTed keys...

How to use ":" as awk field separator?

Given following command: echo "1: " | awk '/1/ -F ":" {print $1}' why does awk output: 1: ...

Sed not reconizing \t instead it is treating it as 't' why?

sed "s/\(.*\)/\t\1/" $filename > $sedTmpFile && mv $sedTmpFile $filename I am expecting this sed script to insert a tab in font of every line in $filename however it is not. For some reason it is inserting a t instead.. Strange.. ...

Running a file as nonroot from a root bash script

Okay, I currently use an eggdrop IRC bot on my server. I want to make a bash script to start it up as well as a few other scripts at the same time. All that's left is to make it start, but it won't run as root. However, I also need to be in the current directory of the file to run it, or it displays an error. For example: /home/eggdrop...

Bash Shell Scripting - return key/Enter key

I need to compare my input with enter key/return key... read -n1 key if [ $key == "\n" ] echo "@@@" fi But this is not working.. What is wrong with this code ...

Monitoring an audio line.

I need to monitor my audio line-in in linux, and in the event that audio is played, the sound must be recorded and saved to a file. Similiar to how motion monitors the video feed. Is it possible to do this with bash? something along the lines of: #!/bin/bash # audio device device=/dev/audio-line-in # below this threshold audio will n...