
Bass.dll Playing PushStream more than once

I'm using a pushStream, which is filled with audiodata. After all data is pushed to the stream I'm using Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(playPushStream, false) to play it, which works fine but only once. What do I have to do that I can play it multiple times (one after another)? Reseting position to 0 and using the Loop Basflag did nothing. Than...

About the MFC CFileDialog Problem

About the following code, it is written by MFC, but in test time, i run the simple program, i will not got a normal case, the program will return a failed message to me, the message is "Can't play file:[PATH]". but if me fixed the File (not select form the the dialog), it is work, i can not find out the problem, i hope some people can h...

How to realize a multi channel audio pre-mixer in .net

I'd like to use C# to implement an application that can play multiple audio streams at the same time. Peanuts - now the interesting part: assuming every stream is single channel (mono) I want to adjust the volume for every speaker (5.1 or even 7.1) for every stream separately. I can use the windows mixer to do this, but the problem is, t...

Discrepancy in channel size between BASS_GetChannelLength() and BASS_GetChannelData()

I want to paint the full spectrum of a song from its complete FFT representation. Using the BASS Audio Library, I create a decoder stream, get its length and then retrieve all the FFT samples. My first prototype worked perfectly: Decoder := BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE, pchar(fn), 0, 0, BASS_STREAM_DECODE); SongLen := BASS_ChannelGe...

bass lib not linking, all other work perfect.....

Hello all, I'm having a wierd problem. i'm developping a nice game with openGL on MFC. i need to use threads for multi sound. so i am trying to use the BASS lib for that. For a reason that is beyond my comprihention, i can not get the bass.lib to link. all other libs (openGL libs and so on) link perfect. i'v added "#include "base.h" ...

How can I check if BASS is playing stream?

How can I check if BASS is playing stream in C#? I mean, I need something like: public WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer wp = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer(); if(wp.enabled) { //do something } else { //do something different } Any help would be appreciated. ED...

How can I change volume in bass.dll?

How can I change volume in bass.dll? I am programming in C#. I tried: public void ChangeVolume(int volume) { Bass.BASS_ChannelSetAttributes(stream, 44100, volume, 0); } volume is here: private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { label4.Text = "Volume: " + trackBar1.Value.ToString();...