
Smallest Java SVG Engine

What is the smallest Java SVG engine (least/smallest jars) that actually works? If your answer is Batik, what is the minimal dep. graph for getting this to work in a simple Java application? I've looked at the dependency graph on the Batik site, but it looks like a typical Apache mess. Aren't there better alternatives? ...

"SAX2 driver class org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl not found" when using Batik in a webapp on Tomcat

This is possibly related to a classpath problem, but I'm really not sure at this point, since I don't get this error on some machines. The error at the top of the stack is SAX2 driver class org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl not found. Why would I get this error only in some environments, but not others? How can I further investi...

Finding objects under mouse in a JSVGCanvas from Batik

I have a JSVGCanvas object from the Batik library from java. In my application, I am rendering several objects in a schematic. I require to know what component is below the mouse so I can render an appropiate tooltip and description that I am rendering from an external source. My question is, how can I determine what objects are below...

Learning resources and tutorials for using the Java Batik Library

I am using the Batik library, which is very useful to display SVG graphics in Java. For the basic use case of displaying and rendering an SVG document is quite simple to use. However, I want to do some other advanced graphic manipulation and I am struggling as I don't find any good resource that will allow me to perform the following t...

Writing unicode characters with Batik doesn't work

Hi, I am writing a project with Batik, which is for multi-language image. Therefore I need signs like "sigma" or "alpha". I have to write the character as text - not as a polygon or as a glyph - because it has to be written by my project again. If I write a unicode character in my SVGDocument it is shown correctly in the debugger, but ...

How can I programatically convert SVG files containing text to PDF files (specifically on CentOS 5.3 x86_64)?

I would like to programatically convert SVG files to PDF files. However, the SVG files contain text that must be searchable in the generated PDF files. Also, it has to work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 or CentOS 5.3 for the x86_64 architecture. It would be nice if it were Open Source or at least not very expensive. Here is what I've ...

Issue rendering truetype font in SVG

Hi, I'm having an issue with the rendering of a truetype font inside an svg being rendered to a pdf through fop. In the final pdf the font comes out with Times New Roman instead of the truetype font I had expected. The main font family of the document is using Type 1 fonts and are also using font metrics that I generated and these are...

Looking for SVG drawing application, open source based on Java apache batik library

Can you recommend a free, open source, drawing application, like Inkscape, but written in Java based on the Apache batik code library? ...

Scaling an SVG in Java

I'm attempting to scale an image, modify it, and then output to another image format. So far, I've been using the apache batik library. For simple conversion, this is easy. For clipping the svg, this is easy. However, I can't seem to figure out how to scale to the full image created by the svg. That is, I can specify the area of interes...

Get empty image when transcoding SVG to PNG

Hi, I'm trying to generate an SVG image and then transcode it to PNG using Apache Batik. However, I end up with an empty image and I can't see why. I use the Document from SVGDomImplementation as the base for my transcoding (to avoid writing the SVG to disk and loading it again). Here's an example: DOMImplementation domImpl = SVGDOM...

Swing & Batik: Create an ImageIcon from an SVG file?

Simply put, I'm looking for a way to make an ImageIcon from an SVG file using the batik library. I don't want to have to raster the SVG to disk first, I just want to be able to pull an svg out of the jar file and have it land as a UI element. I feel like this should be reasonably easy, but the batik javadocs aren't telling me what I ne...

Disable logging with Batik Transcoder?

I'm using the batik transcoder for svgs, and every time I convert an SVG image, it produces output on standard out. I'm assuming it's using a logging package of some kind. How do I disable this output? ...

How to set a transparent Icon from a transparent SVG file

Hello, I have a transparent SVG file. I would like to use it as the icon of a JLabel, via setIcon(). I use Batik for SVG, but I don't know how to do this. Can you help me ? Thanks :) ...

How to resize an svg (with batik) and display it ?

Hello ! I have a svg file of 100x100 pixels (for example). I am using Batik. If I do a : JSVGCanvas svg = new JSVGCanvas(); [...] svg.setSize(10,10); It will only show this part of the picture and not the resized image. Do you know how I can display a resized svg picture ? Thanks ;) ...

How do I superimpose one SVG image onto another using Apache Batik?

I have 2 SVG files I need to overlay using Batik. One file serve as the background image and is 308px by 308px while the second file (260px by 260px) is the foreground image that must be centered (that is at the center of the background image). I'd like the result of the operation to be saved in a third SVG file. If you are familiar with...

create an SVG image with embedded base64 string from another svg image with elements

Hi I have an svg file that contains several elements (like path, circles, rectangles, etc..). I'd like to convert that svg file to an svg with embedded base64 data instead of multiple elements. is it possible to do that with batik? The project I'm working on requires I use Java libraries only. Thanks. ...

SVG rendering in Java using SWT - Batik too slow

I am having performance issues with Batik when I try to render SVG files using SWT. It seems like a very bloated library but the only other one I could find was SVGSalamander and it looks like it's Swing only. Is there a way to render the SVGs without converting them to a bitmap form first that's faster? It needs to be cross platform. ...