
how to minimize battery drain in a heavy service

I will create a service to do something when some hot situation occurs. By hot situation I mean: the GPS/cell coordinates are in known zone; known Bluetooth device detected; known Wi-Fi network detected; weather info has change; considerable movement speed change detected: eg. from walking to travel by car. As you see these tasks a...

Background mode server communication drains battery

I developed an app that makes a photo and submits it with some text to my web service. Now when my app is running (even in a background mode) the battery drains in 4 hours and my iPhone is getting really hot. I thought it may be a problem with the device but after visiting an Apple Store they said the battery is fine and that the proble...

How to get information about android battery usage by application

How can i get battery usage by application in android. I need to know % of battery spent by application. It's possible using SDK? The information that i need, using an android device it's on "Settings>About phone>Battery use" Thanks ...

iphone application: battery uses concern and minimizing battery use

What are the major factors that might cause an application to consume more battery power? As an iPhone app developer, what best practices can I apply to minimize battery use? ...