
Equivalent to TUpdateSQL in Delphi 2010 dbExpress?

Hi, I am planning to migrate a Delphi 6 BDE application to Delphi 2010... First of all, do I have to move away from BDE? (I will but I prefer to do this in stages if possible) Second, is dbExpress the best choice? (I am using MS SQL) Lastly, is there an equivalent of TUpdateSQL in dbExpress? (or anything else) I have a lot of codes ...

Loading BDE BPL from another directory

Using Delphi 2010 and a patched version of the BDE I run into a problem loading the BDERTL140.bpl. Loading DCLBDE140.bpl from another directory then usual works fine. Only when I want to load the BDERTL140.bpl, it always tells me that it has been loaded already from the Windows system directory. Which packages load the BDERTL140.pbl, a...

Why DefaultExpression property work only with BDE?

How can I use DefaultExpression property for TField with MS Access or SQL Server, it seems to work only with BDE. ...

Bde Installer on these Embarcadero days

Somebody could please tell me where I could find the good ol' BDE installer? These links won't work anymore: ...

Interbase Error: SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables

I get this error on many of the TQuery connected to Interbase via BDE. Exact message is: General SQL Error. Dynamic SQL Error, SQL error code = -804, SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables. The message appears as soon as i try to open/edit the TQuery at design time, or when a Post is done at run tim...

Maximum number of dbprocesses already allocated

I'm running a Delphi application that uses BDE for database connection. Ocassionally (more often than I'd like) this error pops up when opening a query. Googling for this error, most picks refer to MS SQLServer database, and speak about a dbsetmaxprocs function, which I can't seem to find. So the question is: how can I prevent/correct ...

SP_Who does not return DBName Column

My Delphi application connects to a SQL Server Database through BDE. In the process, my application queries SP_Who stored procedure to get the DbName column Value. But now I want to connect my application through ODBC to the SQL Server database. I'm using the SQL Server Native client driver for this, but when my application queries SP_...

Delphi exe, will it run with just BDE configuration?

Hi, I've taken over a legacy application and I have the exe created. If I can configure the BDE then in theory it should be possible to run this. Someone indicated that Delphi needs to be installed in order for the app to run. I'm unsure of that - it doesn't quite make sense to me as there is an exe file. Any input from Delphi experts ...

Where to download Delphi BDE 5.01

Is it possible to download the BDE? I have an old delphi app to support and the client has a new pc. I need to copy the EXE across and install the BDE on that machine. Thanks ...

BDE, Delphi, ODBC, SQL Native Client & Dead lock

Hi. We have some Delphi code that uses the BDE to Access SQL Server 2008 through the SQL Server Native Client ODBC driver (2005 version). Our issue is that we're experiencing some deadlock issues in a loop doing inserts to multiple tables. The whole loop is done within a [TDatabase].StartTransaction. Looking at the SQL Server Profil...

Can I use Delphi to write to BDE an PHP to read from it?

I strongly prefer not to use additional 3rd party components, libraries or DLLs (at least in v1.0), unless there is absolutely no other solution. Question: (how) can I use Delphi to progrtiamatically crate a BDE database and write to it, then use PHP to read from it? Any URLs for examples of tutorial? People are advising against it...

BDE table sorting

Im using BDE.... How can i sort a table by given field? ...

BDE to ADO conversion in DELPHI 2010

I am working on converting BDE to ADO for my company. I have run into an expression I can not figure out how to convert to ADO Here is the BDE expression with all the ADO changes except for one....the part that is causing me issues is the with Tquery.Create(nil) do at the beginning. Any ideas? with Tquery.Create(nil) do beg...

IDAPI , BdeAdmin and Windows 7

After many months of postponing it, this week, I finally started using a new Windows 7 Professional PC for actual development (which is 90% still done in Delphi 7 with some of these programs still using the Borland IDAPI to access Paradox files). The previous development pc was still an XP-one. Every thing works except for one thing: so...

What is a good way of accessing dBase files using BDE and Delphi?

First of all, I must state that I'm a complete newb when it comes to Delphi, allthough I did some Turbo Pascal programming in school, some fourteen years ago... I have a comercial Delphi program which uses dBase database and BDE for accessing them. I basically need to interface another application written in C# to this database, to be a...

Are there any 'gotchas' involved when invoking BDE through a Delphi COM server or DLL from .NET?

I'm asking this as a follow-up to my previous question: It was suggested that I called upon a Delphi COM server instead of passing data though standard input/output, and I totally agree that such a solution is very limited. Basic...

Why does my parameterized query with Integer fields fail?

I have a TQuery object, pointed to a dBase database and I'm wondering how I should go about parameterizing my insert statement. The following INSERT-query will will work fine with qry.ExecSQL: qry.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO KUNDE ' + '(FNAVN, ENAVN, INSTNR) ' + 'VALUES ' + '(:FirstName, :LastName, ' + IntToStr(InstructorNo) + ' )...

Is there no SERVER NAME Parameter for BDE in Delphi 2010?

We are migrating a pretty big application crafted in Delphi 5 (still getting customers using this old versions) that uses BDE to connect to a SQL Server. The decided path to migrating is first Delphi 5 to Delphi 2010, then BDE to dbExpress (or dbGO, still undecided). The problem is that BDE in Delphi 2010 doen't seems to have SERVER NA...

Migration from Delphi BDE - IBO or FIBPlus?

Hi, I would like to know the better alternatives to the Delphi BDE. We have this huge application using Firebird 1.5 and BDE, and would like to consider the following alternatives: IBObjects FIBPlus The migration will involve conversion to Firebird 2.5 dialect 3. Can I get your ideas on which one is better? Your input is highly app...

Delphi BDE Double type Field changed to a String type

I'm using a BDE TTable which had certain fields which were originally ftDouble. Because the input to be stored is sometimes non-numeric, I now changed the field type to ftString. Input into the field is done with a TEdit. When the code gets to: with tblDM do begin Edit; FieldByName('s01_amt').AsString := Edit1.Text; ...