
Debugging problems with ‘WITH’ statement in Delphi 2006

Hi I am have a problem debugging code that uses a ‘WITH’ statement in BDS 2006 The debugger will not show the values of the variables with in a class or record. Am I doing something wrong or does BDS 2006 have a bug ? type TNumber = class Num: Integer; end; implementation {$R *.dfm} var MyNumber: TNumber; procedure TFo...

Problem with updating blob, if blob contains specific data

I have binary data that needs to be stored in a BLOB field in a SQL-database. In case of an UPDATE (storing into the database), the binary data comes as a string (BDS2006, no unicode). When the BLOB field is READ, the binary data needs to be returned as a string. Therefore, I have used these two pieces of code (qry is a TQuery): READ: ...

w8004 compiler warning BDS6 c/c++

Hello It is a best practise to initialise a variable at the time of declaration. int TMyClass::GetValue() { int vStatus = OK; // A function returns a value vStatus = DoSomeThingAndReturnErrorCode(); if(!vStatus) //Do something else return(vStatus); } In the debug mode, a statement like this int vSt...

Delphi .NET/SQLDirect 6.1: Adding varbinary data in a JSON object.

Hi, I am making a call to a stored procedure which returns varbinary records which I want to store in a JSON object. When I do the same for other data types I use the following TField properties to extraxt the data from the data set: FStoredProc.FieldByName(ColumnName).AsInteger (or .AsString etc) I thought I would be able to use FStor...

How to enable BDS2006's C++ WARN & TRACE macros.

I am trying to find out how to enable (& use) Borland's WARN & TRACE macros. My starting point was this link: However, that appears to be for BCB5, and not the 2006 Borland Developer Studio. I've set the two define...