
erlang BEAM bytecode

hello well I hope Im not breaking some spamming rule here with this. I just asked a question about how the erlang compiler implements pattern matching, and I got some great responses, one of which is the compiled bytecode (obtained with a parameter passed to the c() directive): {function, match, 1, 2}. {label,1}. {func_info,{ato...

What are some fundamental Feature/Architectural difference between the BEAM and JVM?

What are some fundamental Feature/Architectural difference between the BEAM and JVM? Yes I know: one was originally built around java and the other built around erlang I understand the JVM (somewhat) and want to compare their structures For example I know that the JVM has one Global GC and BEAM has one per process ...

What OS threads get used in Erlang’s abstract machine, BEAM?

I’ve begun studying Erlang and find the BEAM runtime environment fascinating. It’s commonly stated that in Erlang, processes belong to the language rather than the OS (meaning the runtime, meaning BEAM in this case). These are the lightweight, “green processes” that Erlang is getting famous for. It’s further stated (on page 5 of this pap...