
Can Hibernate Validator be used as component outside Hibernate?

I am trying to add validation for message payload (which are json). I am using Jackson Json processor for data binding, which works quite well for me, using bean methods and occasional annotation or two. But beyond data binding, I would like to declaratively validate actual values: and specifically I prefer annotations over any externa...

Is there an implementation of JSR-303 (bean validation) available?

I know there are non-standard frameworks such as commons-validator, and hibernate validator. I wanted to know if someone knows an implementation of the official standard. ...

Spring JSR303 validation doesn't work like described in Spring Documentation

I tried implementing validation for my web application like described in section of the Spring 3.0 documentation: <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter"> <property name="webBindingInitializer"> <bean class="

jsr 303 (hibernate validator 4) and spring 2.5.x

Hi, How can I configure my Spring 2.5.x application to utilize the JSR 303 validation (hibernate validator 4x) ? I'm using Maven, and update the version of hibernate validator to 4.x, though when my Spring HibernateDaoSupport saves a model thats annotated with constraints, even if the object fails the constraints, I don't get an excepti...

Java Bean Validation (JSR303) constraints involving relationship between several bean properties.

Say I have the following simple java bean: class MyBean { private Date startDate; private Date endDate; //setter, getters etc... } Is there a mechanism in JSR 303 to create a custom validator that validates the constraint that startDate must be before endDate? It seems to me to be a common use case, yet I cannot find any exa...

Cross field validation with Hibernate Validator (JSR 303)

Is there an implementation of (or third-party implementation for) cross field validation in Hibernate Validator 4.x? If not, what is the cleanest way to implement a cross field validator? As an example, how can you use the API to validate two bean properties are equal (such as validating a password field matches the password verify fiel...

Not showing error messages when validated using @valid(JSR-303) in Spring MVC

I have specified <mvc:annotation-driven /> in dispatcher-servlet. I am not using @InitBinder. And I am using @valid annotation for validation in controller's method like @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "new") public String save(@Valid Article article,ModelMap model) { //code here } And validation works fine...

Using JSR 303 is it possible to generate validation.xml from annotations?

Let's say I have an annotation JSR 303 class like this: class A { @NotNull private String b; @Min(5) @Max(10) private int num = 3; @Pattern(regexp="[0-9]*") private String foo = "12345aa"; } How can I take that class and generate a validation.xml which contains the same constraints as those that are speci...

Bean Validation and error messages at .properties file

Hello, i am working on a JSF Projekt with Glassfish. My validation works well but i dont become a custom error message. //Class = User, package = devteam @NotEmpty @Pattern(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+") private String emailAddress; My is in the WEB-INF folder with this content: devteam.User.emailAddress=Invalid e-ma...

JPA validation strategy

NetBeans let me choose between three values for the JPA validation strategy: Auto, Callback and None. What does "Auto" mean? Does "Callback" mean the use of @PrePersist, @PreUpdate, and @PreRemove? Is there a performance hit if I use Auto or Callback if there is no validation to perform? ...

JSf 2 with Hibernate Validator 4 and Tomcat 6

Hi all, The problem I'm having is that my Bean Validation isn't working as I would expect. I have a Session Scoped Managed Bean with a name field that is bound to an h:inputText. The name must be entered, and have a minimum length of 1 character, and a maximum length of 5 characters. I expect that when I enter the name into the textbox...

Temoporarily suppress beanvalidation with JSF

Hello, i have a User class with a field for the e-mail-address and a password. @NotNull @Size(min=6) @Pattern(flags=Pattern.Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE ,regexp="[^ ]*") private String password = null; @NotNull) @Size(max=60) @EmailUse // Check if the email-address is already in the database @Email private String emailAddress = null; This...

Using Hibernate Validator with JPA and Spring

I'm using Hibernate Validator 4.0.2, Spring 3.0 and Hibernate 3.3.2 (which, as I understand it, is pre-JPA2) as a JPA 1 provider. I've found it easy to integrate the Validator into the MVC layer (it just works) but can't see how to integrate the validator automatically into the JPA entityManager (JPA 1). Basically, I have some entities...

JSR 303 Bean Validation + Javascript Client-Side Validation

What is the best way to perform client-side form validation using Javascript (with minimal code duplication) when using JSR 303 bean validation on the server side? I'm currently using Spring 3 and the Hibernate Validator. ...

How do I import javax.validation into my Java SE project?

I'm trying to add constraints checking, as described here ...

Constraint Validation

I am using javax.validation.Validator and relevant classes for annotation based validation. Configuration<?> configuration = Validation.byDefaultProvider().configure(); ValidatorFactory factory = configuration.buildValidatorFactory(); Validator validator = factory.getValidator(); Set<ConstraintViolation<ValidatableObject>> const...

JSR-303 dependency injection and Hibernate

Spring 3.0.2, Hibernate 3.5.0, Hibernate-Validator 4.0.2.GA I am trying to inject Spring dependencies into a ConstraintValidator using: @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; I have configured the application context with: <bean id="validator" class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFacto...

Hibernate @OneToOne @NotNull

Is it valid to declare @OneToOne and @NotNull on both sides of a relationship, such as: class ChangeEntry { @OneToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @NotNull ChangeEntryDetails changeEntryDetails; public void addDetails(ChangeEntryDetails details) { this.changeEntryDetails = details; details.setChangeEntry(this)...

How can I validate two or more fields in combination?

I'm using JPA 2.0/Hibernate validation to validate my models. I now have a situation where the combination of two fields has to be validated: public class MyModel { public Integer getValue1() { //... } public String getValue2() { //... } } The model is invalid if both getValue1() and getValue2() are nul...

Configure Hibernate validation for bean

Hi. I need to perform validation based on SQL query result. Query is defined as annotation - as @NamedQuery in my entity bean. According to Hibernate documentation(doc), there is possibility to validate bean on following operations: pre-update pre-insert pre-delete looks like: <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> ....