
Saving data when using JPA and BeansBinding

I am currently experimenting with JPA in a desktop application, while using BeansBinding to make the GUI development easier. So far the results are quite good. As an example application I have a small DB with only one table. I successfully created the entity, the PU. Next I dropped a JTable into the main JFrame and bound it's columns to...

Java JPA, Swing and Beans Binding: Changes to a OneToMany collection in entity not immediately reflected in GUI

Hello, I am trying to learn JPA with Hibernate and binding it to a GUI built in Netbeans with Beans Binding. It is a application listing dogs. Each dog can have one to many puppies. You can add and delete dogs, and for each dog you can add and delete puppies. The dogs are displayed in a JList, when the user selects a dog its properties...