
NHibernate Many to Many table is not updated

I have a 3 tables which are "News", "Tags", "News_Tags" with Many-To-Many relationship. With the following mapping the "News" and "Tags" table have been updating, but "News_Tags" has not been updated. Can anyone help me? News: <class name="News" table="News" lazy="false"> <id name="NewsID"> <generator class="identity" /> </i...

nhibernate mapping many-to-many: why was the whole bag collections deleted and reinserted ?

Hello Nhibernate users, professionals, gurus and developers are expected. Please help !!! I want to realise a n:m relation between two classes. A student attends in more courses and a course consists of more students as members. I do a bidirectional association many-to-many with bag to get the both lists from each site. The two Studen...

Re: PoEAA Book, by Fowler: Why the bi-directional association between Footballer Mapper and Bowler Mapper in the 'Inheritance Mapper Pattern' Class Diagram

This question is about a specific UML diagram in the book called Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, by Martin Fowler. Why is there a 'bi-directional association' between Footballer Mapper and Bowler Mapper in the 'Inheritance Mapper' Class Diagram on page 302? ...

NHibernate Bi-Directional one-to-one mapping problem.

While trying to create a Bi-directional one-to-one mapping in NHibernate, I found that, I am unable to have the Reference of the objects recursively. For example: suppose I have one-to-one relationships between Person and Address. then after executing the following code, class Person { ... ... public Address Address { get;set;...

Why hibernate perform two queries for eager load a @OneToOne bidirectional association?

Hi, i have entity A that has-a B entity, and B has-a A with @OneToOne bidirectional association. Now, when i findall A records, hibernate perform two queries with a left outer join on B, something like this: select, a.id_b, a.field1,, b.field1 from A as a, B as b left outer join b ON; select, a.id_b, a.field1...

Implementing Bi-Directional relationships in MongoEngine

I'm building a Django application that uses MongoDB and MongoEngine to store data. To present a simplified and version of my problem, say I want to have two classes: User and Page. Each page should associate itself with a user and each user a page. from mongoengine import * class Page(Document): pass class User(Document): name...