
Jar files and FAT32

I am doing some analysis for a chunk of a desktop app we're working on. One requirement is that it be able to do i/o of some legacy file formats, which in practice are running as large as 800Mb each. An import might reasonably be expected to be on the order of 5Gb in size. Ideally, I'd just stick whatever files I want into a jar file,...

How the Scala script that reads 5G log file from network drive should be modified in order to read last x lines (like 'tail' in Unix)?

How the Scala script that reads 5G log file from network drive should be modified in order to read last x lines (like 'tail' in Unix)? ::#! @echo off call scala %0 %* goto :eof ::!# import if (args.length > 0) { for (line <-Source.fromFile(args(0)).getLines) if(line.contains("percent")){ print(line) } } ...

Database slow retriving/updating/inserting problem with more than 5mil records in each table

How to structure database to avoid slowdowns? (Engine: MyISAM) Currently i have database with more than 5milion records in one table that causes slow data retrieving. I'm currently searching for ways to structure database to avoid this kinds of database. (Database Engine MyISAM) Tables that cause problems are posts and comments having ...