
How to implement dynamic binary search for search and insert operations of n element

The idea is to use multiple arrays, each of length 2^k, to store n elements, according to binary representation of n.Each array is sorted and different arrays are not ordered in any way. In the above mentioned data structure, SEARCH is carried out by a sequence of binary search on each array. INSERT is carried out by a sequence of merg...

C# code to perform Binary search in a very big text file

Is there a library that I can use to perform binary search in a very big text file (can be 10GB). The file is a sort of a log file - every row starts with a date and time. Therefore rows are ordered. ...

Recursive function for a binary search in C++

Create a recursive function for the binary search. This function accepts a sorted array and a give item being search for and returns the index of the item if this give item in the array or returns -1 if this give item is not in the array. Moreover, write a test program to test your function. Sorry for the bad english but my teacher c...

Average performance of binary search algorithm? BinarySearch(int A[], int value, int low, int high) { int mid; if (high < low) return -1; mid = (low + high) / 2; if (A[mid] > value) return BinarySearch(A, value, low, mid-1); else if (A[mid] < value) return BinarySearch...

Problem with underscore(_) in Collections.binarySearch (Java)

Hi all. Problem: I am using Java Tutorials™ sourcecode for this. This is the source code. I tried this: --following with another section of sorted words-- words.add("count"); words.add("cvs"); words.add("dce"); words.add("depth"); --following with another section of sorted words-- and it works perfectly. However when I use this: ...

Binary search to find the rotation point in a rotated sorted list

I am having a sorted list which is rotated and I would like to do a binary search on that list to find the minimum element. Lets suppose initial list is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} rotated list can be like {5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4} Normal binary search doesn't work in this case. Any idea how to do this. -- Edit I have one another condition. What if th...

Seaching for an element in a circular sorted array

We want to search for a given element in a circular sorted array in complexity not greater than O(Log n). ex: search for 13 in {5,9,13,1,3}. My idea was to convert the circular array into a regular sorted array then do a binary search on the resulting array, but my problem was the algorithm i came up was stupid that it takes O(n) in the ...

How to find nodes value is greater than a specified value in a binary search tree

Hi, I have a red black tree and the basic operations insert, delete, traversing inorder, postorder and preorder etc. I wish to create a method that can return the nodes in the tree that are greater than a specified value. Same with less than too. Can anyone point me to some pseudocode / algorithm (they probably mean the same thing) C...

Little help with binary tree would be appreciated

I'm trying to create binary tree that contains two int values and one string value sorted in the lexicographic, but I'm not sure what to do. I've created an array list, which has been already sorted, but the binary tree has to be a reference-based which is not sorted and I'm thinking about sorting the list while creating it. Can any one ...

get a range of objects with binary search

I have some data like this: ID Value 1 AAA 1 ABC 2 dasd 2 dsfdsf 2 dsfsd 3 df 3 dwqef they are objects(not plain text). and i want to get all objects with the ID = 2. I can do a binary binary search and get the index 3,but how can i get (2 and 4) is there any efficient algorithm? the real problem has l...

What is an elegant way to bin/map an integer in various categories in C?

Assume we have an integer 'x' and 'n' possible values that 'x' can be mapped/binned to. What is an elegant way in C to have a function that returns the closest 'nth' value to x? Pseudo code example; int x = 40; int res; int bins[] = { 0, 20, 80, 200 }; /* Sorting is guaranteed */ res = int_bin(x, bins); assert(res == 20); /* 40 is clo...

Folder of recovered files missing their names - How can I find the one I am looking for by the contents of the file?

I managed to accidentally delete a backup of files I had which I then later recovered. The recovery has lost the files names and location and I am left with about 3000+ .indd (Adobeb InDesign) files. My problem is I am trying to find the .indd file that I was working on with out having to open each one manually to check. I know some o...

given a sorted array of numbers, how do i find the size of numbers less than x

Possible Duplicate: finding all numbers less than x in a BST How would I modify a binary search to find the number of numbers in a sorted array that are less than a certain number? ...

Inexact Binary Search: Given a Value, Find the Upper and Lower Index Of The Element Position

I have a List<KeyValuePair<double, double>>, the list is sorted by KeyValuePair.Key, so it's amendable to binary search. And I have a double object. Now, my task is to find the index of the double object. Here are the conditions that apply: If that double object matches one of the KeyValuePair.Key within a specified tolerance, then the...

In a .NET/C# context, what is a binary search and how/why can I use one?

I've read about binary searches on Wikipedia for the first time today and just skimmed the surface a bit. It seems it's used to find items in a collection quickly where memory is sparse. In a .NET/C# context, would I ever need to use one? Do you ever use them while building production actual-real-world software? I'm sorry if this quest...

Why is there a List<T>.BinarySearch(...)?

I'm looking at List and I see a BinarySearch method with a few overloads, and I can't help wondering if it makes sense at all to have a method like that in List? Why would I want to do a binary search unless the list was sorted? And if the list wasn't sorted, calling the method would just be a waste of CPU time. What's the point of havi...

Array of undefinite length..

how to find a random element in a sorted array of unknown length. ...

Searching in unsorted string array

I have this array of strings private static String[] colorsArray = { "#bde876", "#ff8581", "#ffc472", "#faed75", "#a8c9e5", "#999999", "#e3a8e5", "#dddddd", "#fc603c", "#ffcc00", "#74e8d4", "#3cd6fc" }; Then I have this method public static int getColorByString(String color) { return Arrays.binarySearch(colorsArray, color...

Using Array.BinarySearch() to return first value <= lookup value ?

I'm trying to create a "lookup" column that would return the index of the array value that is equal to or less than the value being looked up. So this is my attempt, which seems to work fine, but I was wondering if there is a cleaner way of doing it ? // Sorted float[] ranges = new float[] { 0.8f, 1.1f, 2.7f, 3.9f,...

How can I use std::binary_search using just a key?

I have some data that is stored in a sorted vector. This vector is sorted by some key. I know the STL has an algorithm for checking if an element is in this sorted list. This means I can write something like this: struct MyData { int key; OtherData data; }; struct MyComparator { bool operator()( const MyData & d1, const MyData & d2 ) ...