
BindingSource And ComboBox: Combobox Binded on another Source

Hi, I would like to make Something in my form. I have a Binding source binded on Linq to Sql Class. The class Workorder contains one field Site. I would like to display The combobox with all the site, but selected on the site form my workorder. I'm clear? Julien ...

c# ADO.Net editing BindingSource.Current before Updating not changing data

Hi, I have a form with for example two textboxes bound via BiningSource to my DataTable. Now everything works fine but if I try to change something manually in BindingSource.Current, the changes aren't saved in the database, for example: in buttonSave_Click(): ((DataRowView)myBindingSource.Current)["Description"] += "foo bar"; myBindi...

code to save on row change using bindingNavigator, bindingSource

When using a bindingNavigator and bindingSource and clicking a move button or add button or delete button, the bindingSource completes its action code before the click handler of the button (i.e. user code) This prevents a save action on the row change. I'd like to find a bindingSource hook, something like 'beforeRowChange'. I can subc...

C#: Adding Columns To Bound DatagridView With Code

// Getting data from this Admin class: public static IQueryable<Student> GetStudents() { DojoDBDataContext conn = new DojoDBDataContext(); var query = from s in conn.Students join b in conn.Belts on s.BeltID equals b.ID orderby s.LastName ascending select s; return query; } // And on my fo...

BindingSource.Find key comparison is case insensitive?

Hmmm - I'm using BindingSource.Find to return to the user's position after refreshing a DataGridView. I use BindingSource.Find and a RowID as the DataColumn I'm searching on. Unfortunately, Oracle can return two RowIDs that differ only in their case. BindingSource.Find returns the first match regardless of case. Looking at the MSDN ...

C#: Does BindingSource.Find account for BindingSource.Filter?

Hi, I'm using a BindingSource as data source for a DataGridView. The user can filter entries. Internally I use the BindingSource.Filter property of course. All works well. Then I get input from a scanner and need to select the first entry in the list that matches the scanned barcode. Whether filtered or not, the displayed list may con...

Mark row as deleted in dataTable on UserDeletingRow

I have a datatable bound to a winforms dataGridView via a BindingSourceControl. I want to be able handle the UserDeletingRow event from the dataGridView and mark the row in my dataTable as deleted. I need to then be able to retrieve the rows marked as deleted from the datatable so that I can delete them from my database when a Save butto...

all objects linked to child table equals nothing when parent table.endedit line is run

Ok, Here's the situation, I have a bunch of controls linked to a child table, the child table is linked to a parent table I can set values to these controls linked to the child table but when I save it and the parenttablebindingsource.endedit is run, the object's values are set to nothing. ...

BindingSource.Filter does not work with affected rows in DataSet

I created DataGridView in WinForms App. Then at the initializing create DataSet and fill it with some data, bind to DataGridView . I added textBox as a filter. `myBindingSource = new BindingSource(); myBindingSource.DataSource = ds; myBindingSource.DataMember = dt.TableName; dataGridView1.DataSource = myBindingSource;` string...

BindingSource1.current methot not working

i am using under .net compact framework for windows ce platform. i want to add a new record with bindingsource object. but when i used bindingsource1.current("field")="value", it says error and error description is "The targeted version of the .net compact framework does not support latebinding" how can i add a value to field usi...

WinForms: How to find all BindingSources in an UserControl

In the program we are working on, the user data is collected in UserControls which is data bound to a business entity using BindingSources. I need to find all the BindingSources in a UserControl programatically. Since a BindingSource source is not added to the UserControl's Controls collection, I cannot search in there. Can this be do...

BindingSource.Filter Problem [C# 2.0 on vs2008]

BindingSource.Filter property is doesn't work while i filter with the unicode characters. any soluctoion for that? or how to implement custom BindingSource to use correct filter property. ...

C# BindingSource.AddingNew is never called?

Hello, BindingSource.AddingNew is never called when I leave the cell of my datagrid. The DataGrid has as datasource the BindingSource which again has a "List" of "Customer". What does the BindingSource need to create a new Customer object and add it to the underlying ICustomerList ? Of course a interface has no constructor... but m...

C#: How to bind HashTable to a ComboBox via Enum as a key?

public static Hashtable m_results = new Hashtable(); private BindingSource m_bindResults = new BindingSource(); // in static constructor m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Failed, "Failed"); m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Pending, "Is Pending"); m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Completed, "Was Completed"); m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Cancel, "Cancel i...

Does the BindingSource "see" changes made to the database by other operations?

I have a BindingSource whose datasource is a database table. There is a DataGridView whose datasource is the BindingSource. I have not been able to determine if changes made to the database are immediately seen by the binding source and then rows added/changed on the DataGridView. Environment is: VS 2008, VB.NET, database is SQLite. ...

How to prevent bindingsource to change its underlying dataview's filter?

I have noticed the following behavior, which I believe is 'wrong'. I have a BindingSource that I am using to populate a datagrid, and I am using a DataView as the BindingSource.DataSource, something like this: MyDataView = New DataView(MyTable, Filter, SortCol, _ DataViewRowState.CurrentRows) at this point in time the view is properl...

Can I get the item type from a BindingSource?

I would like to get the Type of item that a BindingSource is hooked up to or configured for. The BindingSource.DataSource property can be set to an object, list, or type. If it is a Type, it obviously does not have a bound item yet, but I would still like to get the Type. For a List, I need the item Type, not the list type. I current...

When is it worth using a BindingSource?

I think I understand well enough what the BindingSource class does - i.e. provide a layer of indirection between a data source and a UI control. It implements the IBindingList interface and therefore also provides support for sorting. And I've used it frequently enough, without too many problems. But I'm wondering if I use it more often ...

Binding a ListBox's SelectedItem in the presence of BindingNavigator

Hello. I'm trying to bind a ListBox's SelectedItem data to a property. The following code is an example: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace BindingFailure { static class Program { class OuterObject { public string selected { get; set; } public List<string> strings { get; se...

Can I temporarily prevent manual changes to a DataGridView from updating the underlying data source?

I tried to find another question like this one, since it certainly seems like something that may have been asked before; but I couldn't find it. Basically, I've got a DataGridView, which is bound to a BindingList<T>. I understand that in general, data binding is very nice and saves a lot of (our -- developers') time. However, there is a...